Chapter 31

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Everyone shook by the shockwave when Goku and Hela's fists collide with each other. Both went down and they begin fighting each other with their strikes instead of weapons. Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie look on with surprise that Goku's managed to be even with Hela.

Wanda looks on with worry, hoping Goku could make it out alive. His first encounter with the Goddess of Death wasn't pretty as Hela was a total maniac when she charged at him. Lady Sif worries as well for Goku's safety, praying to the Allfathers to have him come out alive. Soon, they went on to fight the berserkers to protect the other Asgardians.

Goku punches Hela in the face and went for a kick, but Hela dodges. She punches him in the gut and went for a stab, but Goku caught her arm, twist it and takes her down with a headscissor.

Hela grunts in pain as Goku applies pressure on the hold. Soon, she creates a spear and sends it to stab him but he disappears, releasing her. She gets up and looks around for Goku, wondering where did he go.

Soon, Goku appeears begins as she turns to stab him and he leans back to dodge it, matrix style and grabs the spear and takes it off her hands. He jumps back with a flip and got to his feet and breaks the spear into pieces.

Hela then summons many blades and launches them at him as Goku pulls out his power pole. He then spins his staff and uses it as a spinning shield and blocks and deflects every blade coming at him as he goes closer to Hela.

He jumps up and lands in front of her and went for a swing but she ducks and punches him in the back and knocks him back with a another in the head. She creates a sword and gives a cut to his cheek and goes to cut his head in half but he uses his power pole to stop her and he sweeps her off her feet. He went for a slam with his staff, but her rolls back and jumps to her feet.

She gets back up and glares at Goku, who is looking at her with a confident face.

Goku: So...first time not having someone fight back, huh?

Hela: You're so cocky. Like your brethren.

Goku: Well, frankly, my dear. I don't give a damn.

Goku went for a swing, but Hela ducks and quickly gives a cut to his chest, though it did little to slowly him down. She went to cut his neck but he blocks her his forearm and headbutts her away. She held her face from the pain as Goku dashed forward and drop kicks her down.

Goku looks at his cuts, though they don't seem life threatening. He turns to Hela as she gets up and glares at him.

Goku: You're one with nasty looks, huh?

Hela glares at him even more as she quickly dash towards him, kneeing him in the gut, punches him in the face and elbowing him and creates a blade and stabs him in the shoulder. Goku grabbed the blade before it could go further and pushes Hela back and summons Gilgamesh. He sends a spinning high kick to her, giving her a cut to her cheek before blasting her with a shockwave, sending her back.

Goku looks at his wound as it drops some blood down to his arm as it soaks his Gi a bit. He later turns to see Hela getting up as he looks back at the others.

Goku: *in his mind* I have to finish this. It's the only way to have everyone leave safely without Hela chasing us.

Goku looks back at her and gives her a stare of seriousness.

Goku: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh-

His power builds up as the ground shakes a bit as Hela watches him with confusion. Soon, he lets out a loud yell as red aura flares around him.

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