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"What will be appropriate time for Kunwar sa raj-abhishek (crowing ceremony)." Maharaj asked Purohit ji. "I am growing old. I want him to take the throne while I am in perfect health. Please suggest a shubh mahurat (auspicious occasion) for this"

"Kunwar sa' s kundali has Rajyog Maharaj which means he will not only be diligent king but will be an extremely renowned king as well. As it is he is extremely famous because of his looks and bravery however once he ascend to the throne his fame will reach every corner of this country." Purohit's words were clear indication that both Maharaj and Ranisa has nothing to worry about when it comes to the diligence and capability of their son.

And soon their happiness doubled when Purohit ji informed them about something that related to his personal life "..however his Rajyog will begin only when he will get married..and looking at his kundali I can see that yog for his wedding is forming within next few weeks."

"Really." Ranima was ecstatic. " son will get married so it really going to happen Pandit ji"

"Yes Ranisa..Kunwar sa will soon tie the knot" Pandit ji continued "..looking at his kundali I can also see that in his life only rekha (line) is there..which means that he will be the first king in the century of this vansh (family line) to experience monogamy.."

"Means he will be married only once and have only one queen" if Ranima was happy before now she was ecstatic "Yes Ranisa..your son will have only one wife who will be his true soulmate and ultimate powerhouse. She will not only be physically compatible with him but mentally and emotionally compatible as well. And it will be their children who will take your blood line ahead"

"When will it happen Pandit ji." Maharaj asked to which he replied "very soon..but there is something that I wanted you both to know about"

"What is it Pandit ji" Ranima was worried now.

"Though his marriage will take place very soon but he will have to fight for his own wedding. Things won't be that easy because his would be wife would be equally stubborn and brave like him so it will be more like a battle between the equals. So it's my advice to both of you to let him and his wife deal with this on their own. You two and as a matter of fact should never try to separate them in fact you two need to act as guardian of their relationship because your would be daughter in law will not only be the protective shield of Kunwar sa but she will also play the role of perfect life partner in Kunwar sa life who will help him to reach great heights and together they both will rule the hearts of your subjects by bringing peace and prosperity to your land." Pandit Ji added. "..So make sure they both are treated as equals always or else it will lead to the doom of your kingdom"

"We will Pandit Ji" both Ranima and Maharaj promised.

They were discussing some other matters as well when both Cabir and Aryaman reached Rajbhawan in hazzle state which alamred both of them. "What happen Cabir..why are you both in this condition..and where is Kunwar sa"

"That's what we came to report Ranima.." Cabir looked at Aryaman who nodded once and then collecting all his guts Cabir said the words out loud that literally shook Maharaja and Ranima to the core "Kunwarsa intentionally trespassed Rajghar without any authority Maharaj..and we don't know what might have happened to him"


**Precap: Nandini's story**

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