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Though the night was calm but it did nothing to calm the storm raging inside her.

Yes..she had a calm and silent appearance on the outside but her case was the classic example of the saying that "appearance can be deceptive as well."

She should be happy at the moment because her the arrow did hit his bullseye but unfortunately that wasn't the case..

..because she couldnt wait for the real game to begin.

The Game Of Destruction of Kunwar sa leading her to the throne of Samghar.

One she win this war only than she could avenge the humiliation and loss of lives that her people and family faced because of the Crown Prince and his so called Royal Family.

She has no interest in keeping the throne..she will either pass it down to her brother or Madhyam..

..however the satisfaction of destroying Kunwar sa will remain with her till eternity.

She had never been able to sleep peacefully in past two months but no one was able to know about the tornado raging inside her as she had never been the one to wear her emotions on sleeves for which she was eternally grateful to God.

And fortunately even today it made things worked out in her favour.

The look on his face that she knew was because of her indifference attitude towards him was so gratifying that can't be simply expressed in words.

Her mother used to say that a good beginning is equivalent to winning half of the battle and she couldn't agree more.

She couldn't believe that she still affected him to such an extent.

Honestly she never thought that he would actually react like this just in her mere presence because after what he did she never thought that he even actually cared about her existence.

But now that she know the same she will make sure she takes full advantage of it.

And as a matter of fact he was the one who asked for it.

She was very clear from the beginning that she had no intention of becoming his Queen/ Legal Consort. In fact she was honest with him about this as well but still he gave her hope.

She would have been more than happy just by being his for one night which would only stay between them as those moments would belong to both of them only..

..but he made such vows to her that he had no intention to fulfil.

She would have not held any grudges against him if they would have parted ways after that night but now it was diffrent..

..because this time he had deserted her.

He had not only claimed her body but marked her soul with his fake promises.

He lied to her and betrayed her by promising her things that he simply had no intention to give her to begin with.

He was powerless then.

He is powerless now.

He is bounded by non-sensical rituals and tradition of Samghar which are only made for the benefits of men of Royal families.
And he has no intention to get rid of them as well.

She thought he was diffrent..

..but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

And that's why the night which should had been the most beautiful night of her life ended up becoming her worst nightmare.

He not only crushed her soul but he also maliciously demeaned her dignity.

No one knew about them and he didn't do anything which could even prove that she wasn't worthy enough to be mentioned as a part of his life publicly as if she was just one of the many women that he happened to sleep with as his right of being the Crown Prince which again would have been okay with her if he had been honest with her and would not have given her hope.

He ruined her idea of perfect romance and true love coated with trust, loyality, commitment and honesty.

She knows that he was locked up by his family and is being coerced into this marriage with Alia but the fact that he didn't revolted even once and silently agreed to this clearly showed that he never had any intention to be with her to begin with.

He wasn't some damsel in distress..

..he was the Crown Prince for crying out loud.

And if he was that weak that he couldnt protect his love for her then it was for her betterment only that there relationship ended before it could grew any deeper.

She wouldnt have even care and would have treated it just like a passing one night affair but unfortunately destiny had other ideas for her.

Caressing her belly she smiled as she looked ahead into the depth of the darkness

"Your Maa will present you the throne of Samghar..and you will be the best Maharaj/ Maharani this country had even seen or will ever see as you will be a true ruler in every way possible who will not only be a fearless ruler who wouldn't think twice to punish the Monsters and wrong doers but will also be the Protector who will know how to respect a woman and elders. You won't be anything like the current Crown Prince of Samghar who also happen to be your father but you will be exactly like me who will go to any extent to right the wrong done by wrong son or my daughter.."


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