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**I am thankful to my readers for keeping patience as I was taking care of my mother who suffered a severe cervical stroke last night. I am sorry to keep you all waiting but I hope you will understand my situation. I will update this story regularly but in case sometimes if I don't please do remember that I must be stuck with something really urgent and important.

Anyways thank you for keeping patience and for the support to this story.

Here's the update for the day.


"Welcome Kunwar sa.." Raja Pratap greeted Manik as he put the garland of flower across his neck "..we are honoured to have you here Kunwar sa.." he himself put the tilak on Manik's forehead. "..please step inside.." he gestured Manik to take the lead.

"Why such formalities Raja ji.." Manik smiled "..I am of your son's kindly treat me just like you would treat your son.. because I genuinely feel that we are family.."

His words creeped Pratap to no extent as he was to smart to understand that Manik wasn't saying all these things just for formalities sake or just for the sake of saying. If he was saying this that means he has something in his mind. Pratap and Abhimanyu sense this the moment they got the information that Manik would be visiting them.

He was the Crown Prince after all. Everything he does has a reason behind it..

..but exactly what..well that was something they needed to find out.

Abhimanyu couldn't stand Manik for some unknown reason and Pratap knew that if Abhimanyu would be around things might take a negative turn so Abhimanyu was sent away so that Pratap could welcome and meet Manik alone.

And hearing Manik's words Pratap knew that his anticipation was spot on.

He was Nandini's father after all and she had taken after his ability to keep a poker face on so well that no one would even get the hint about the storm raging inside him because of Manik's arrival.

So keeping a firm smile on his face he replied "..we are honoured Kunwar sa to be on the side of your favouring." Manik smiled as well "..I hope I will be the one to get your favour as well.."

"That's goes without saying Kunwar sa.." he smiled though Manik could see it wasn't touching his eyes but he too didn't say anything. "Please come inside.."

Manik was welcomed in traditional style and he was accompanied by Raja Pratap till they reached the official court of Rajghar.
"Please take your seat Kunwar sa.." he offered his seat to him but Manik gently decline "..that place belong to you Maharaj..and it won't be correct for someone else to covet the place which originally belong to someone else. And even you should remember this that you are the kind of Rajghar and no one else has the right to sit on your throne be it the Crown Prince or Maharaj himself."

His words came as a shock to Raja Pratap who like Abhimanyu used to believe that Manik and his father was after the throne of Rajghar. Though his words did impress Pratap but it wasn't enough for Pratap to trust Manik just because of his endearment.
"That's very considerate of you Kunwar Please sit wherever you want to.."

"I think we better talk in private Maharaj.." finally it ranged bell in Pratap's ears who agreed but not without hesitation. "All of you dismiss.." and as soon as he ordered his councilmen and soldiers stepped out.

"You all too.." Manik gestured and his men left him and Pratap alone in that room.

"What is it Maharaj.." he was anxious now. "What was so urgent that brought you all the way from Samghar to Rajghar.."

"There is something that I want Kunwar sa which had been driving me crazy and insane from past three months now..and I am afraid that I crave so badly for it that I won't be able to stay away from it any longer without bringing destruction for every one else.." his words drew a clear picture that really scared Pratap who unlike Nandini lacked the ability to face anything head on.

"We What is it that you want Kunwar sa" Raja Pratap was little apprehensive at his demand " are the Crown Prince..the apparent heir..i don't think I have anything to offer to you"

He smiled crookedly "..actually there is something that only you could offer me Pratap Sa.." he placed his hand on Pratap's shoulder "..and I hope you won't say no"

Shiver ran down his spine as he whispered "..absolutely not..just say what you want Kunwar Sa..and you will get it.."

"Good choice." He smirked as he looked into Pratap's eyes "..I want your youngest daughter as my concubine Pratap sa..

..I want Nandini to be my side consort."

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