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"I am not a fool like you Kunwar sa.." she rolled her eyes as she sat on the bench of her courtyard. "..of course I knew.."

"And still you didn't say anything to me.." he shook his head in disbelief. "..what if I would have married her then.." he too sat next to her.

"..then we would have been in an incestuous relationship as well..though not as gross as their's.." she scoffed at the thought " least we aren't related by blood.."

"Well that certainly not the answer I was looking for.." Manik frowned which made her smile "get that frown off your face..I would have never let Alia become your Main Wife because I want the throne of Samghar for my by hook or crook I wouldn't have let Alia come anywhere close to just relax.."

"So you would have done all that because I am the next heir to the throne..are you only worried about my status and position. What if I wasn't Kunwar sa..that means you would have never ever looked at me then..hai na.." he was raged out even at the thought of it.

"Had that been the case my life would have been much revenge..I would have simply taken you hostage and left this country forever..with no strings attached we both could have lived a simple and happy life..a normal life.." for the first time he heard something unusual from her that really shook him. "Is that your dream.."

"A dream that wont be possible in this life.." she shook her head. "..we aren't born to live one simple, normal life.."

Manik caressed her head which made her close her eyes "..we might not have a normal life..but we will certainly have a happy one..Nandini"

"Dont be so assured of it. I am not on your side till date..remember.." she reminded him. "As long as you stay next to me..nothing else matter.."

"You are really very good with sweet talk Kunwar sa.." she smiled. "..but that won't work on me.."

"One day it will.." he was confident.

"We will see.." she smirked. "Before that we need to deal with our respective marriages..have you thought something about that.."

"Alia and Madhyam.." he was disgusted by them to such an extent that even taking their names made him shrug in disgust "..we can simply expose them when they are at it..that would put an end to all this mess altogether.."

"Unfortunately it's not that easy Kunwar sa.." Nandini's face was full of disgust as well "..those two have been quite meticulous and shrewd about their timings. If it wasn't for Mukti..I wouldn't have believed it myself that they are making beast with two backs whenever they get the chance.."

"..and no one had caught them yet.." Manik was surprised. "Why didn't Mukti said anything to their elders.."

"Birds of same feathers flock together.." her words shocked him " mean.."

"Yes..after all it's about loving your family.." she winked "..let's say it's a family thing.."

"God what were we going to get ourselves into.." he wanted to puke "..and still you got engaged to Madhyam.."

"..Alia was the only way I could get to you..and as it is I had no plan to marry it was a full proof plan..and see its still working.." her words made him smile.
"You are unbelievable..and yes not to forget the ultimate sadist who devours on my emotions."

She snorted "you should be thankful that your child is inside me or else I would have chopped your balls long time back for making fake promises.."

"Every word that I said to you was true." Manik replied to which she counter attacked "just let it be..if it wasn't for my interference you would have got engaged to Alia by now.."

"Stop disgusting me Nandini.." he was annoyed now. "Or else.."

"Or else will knock me down..well I can't me more pregnant than I already am Kunwar sa.." she teased him calming him down instantly. "Well we will see about that.."

She could sense his intentions but before he could do anything she reminded him of much more important things much to his annoyance "..let's deal with Alia-Madhyam situation first..than I will deal with hormone driven father of my unborn child.."

He pouted as she shook her head "can't believe this..I am the one who is pregnant and he is the one having mood swings..oh god.."

"Complian about me later..first let's try to sort this issue out.." he finally agreed.

"Of course..after all we both for a change are on same team.." she winked making him smile "..well this is something I will happily agreed to.."

Sometime love..sometime matter what the excuse be when destiny wants someone together..they will always find way to be together.



✔✔THE KING AND HIS QUEEN❤❤[ COMPLETED]✔✔Where stories live. Discover now