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"Don't you think this greeting is too cold..." he raised both his hands in air as a sign of surrender. " shouldn't be welcoming me like that my princess.."

"And you shouldn't be here to begin with Kunwar sa.." she placed the pointed tip of that sword even more close to his throat. "..because your fiancé is downstairs with my fiancé I think you lost your way and ended up at the wrong place and wrong woman all over again.."

She removed the sword and moved away from him. " leave from here before I slit your throat for trespassing into my room without my permission.."

Though she was dressed in her night gown but she was not looking anything less than an angel who had just descended down from heaven. He had many restless and sleepless nights imaging her and had often dreamt about her and the moments that they spent together.

However none of them did any justice to her..

..because she was looking even more beautiful than he could even remember.

The glow on her face..her scent..her aura..her gorgeous hairs..her perfect figure..everything had enhanced gazillion times than he last saw her.

All he wanted to do at the moment was to take her into his embrace while kissing the living daylight out of her he would make wild passionate love to her in order to prove her how much he had missed her for real.

But the circumstances that they were in stopped him from doing so. She would tear him apart if he even got anywhere close to her and that was pretty much evident on her angel like face.

"How have you been.." he finally managed to ask a coherent question that only made her snort "..that's the first question you are asking me in two months.."

Rolling her eyes she shook her head "..I have never been better Kunwar sa..can't you see that yourself.."

"I missed you.." Manik's words were sincere but unfortunately she wasn't interested in his sincerity anymore " missed me or the wild sex with least be honest here Kunwar sa..nobody is here to judge you.."

"I know you are angry but Nandini.." before he could even say anything Nandini cut him off "..we agreed for one night stand Kunwar sa..and that was it..there was no expectations or any promises from my there is no question of me being angry with you. I remember this clearly that I said this as well that after that night if after path ever crossed again we will treat each other as civilised we are just following our part of bargain..and there is no question of me getting angry or feeling betrayed by you or your act as there was emotions involved.."

He was stumped by her words " really do feel that.."

"Of course I do.." she smirked " you really think you would be alive if I would have taken your words seriously that night. I wanted to have s*x with you and I were the one who made useless promises only to break it..not from my side there are no hard feelings Kunwar's more like RAAT GAI BAAT GAI. We are now going to be in-laws so let's focus on that from now on.."

"If that's the case I don't think you should any issue if we start all over again from the point where we left it two months ago..after all it's my body that you want right..and not me.." he was burning from within but he kept his voice calm and cool from the outside.

"Actually that's not a bad idea at all.." she smiled crookedly. "..but the thing is that just like how I don't like sharing my things I don't want to share the man I am sleeping with as well and neither do I want myself to be shared between two men. So once I got married to Madhyam I will only let him make unbridled love to me for the rest of my life and I know I will the only one for him as his family practices monogamy."

Manik's blood was boiling and she knew it but it was making her so content that she chose to press his buttons further "..however if you promise that you won't sleep with Alia till you officially get married to her or with anyone till my stay here then I guess we can go ahead with your proposed plan.."

Her face was so casual that it literally shredded his soul apart. He couldn't believe his own ears that she was the one who is saying all this. "You seriously want to do this.."

"Well as long as my conditions are fulfilled I don't have any issues sharing few more passionate nights of my life with fact it would only increase my experience and would help me become in bed by the time I will get married to Madhyam so that I could be able to keep him happy and satisfied for the rest of our lives.." she knew she made the final blow to his ravaged heart.

If he was boiling with rage before now her words actually exploded his sanity and he lost control completely and before he could stop himself he pushed her on the bed lying on top of her he held her both hands over her head "..I will satiate you to such an extent that no other man in this planet will be good enough for you.."

"You have made vows like this before as well Kunwar sa..I hope this time you manage to fulfil it to at least some extent.." she smiled too sweetly at him.

Her hormones were driving her crazy right from the moment she saw him entering her room. And one of the reason why she instigated him was not only just to initiate her plan of but also because she wanted to feel him all over her once again...since she hasn't slept with him or anyone from part two months and that was driving her crazy with needs that she managed to hide it for so long. But now when he was hovering over her all she wanted was him to f*ck her senseless.



And fortunately not only did he wanted to f*ck her off but the best part was that she was already pregnant with his child so she had nothing to stop her anymore.

So she simply provoked him one last time " now will you stop wasting your time and begin what you just promised me or do you want to Madhyam to come and take your place inside me.."

..and that was more than enough to unleash the demon inside him..

..the next thing she knew he was mauling her lips while his hands simply got busy all over her body as he pushed his manlihood against her roughly but intensely.


**as mentioned earlier this will be an erotica written as per Wattpad guidelines. It will have mature stuff and language. This isn't typical innocent Manan love that I write about..this will be extremely intense. So kindly read it only if you have tolerance for such mature content or else there are other content in other stories of my as well..please feel free to switch to that.

Hopefully there won't be any issue of any sort.

Thank you**

✔✔THE KING AND HIS QUEEN❤❤[ COMPLETED]✔✔Where stories live. Discover now