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"Why do you think so.." even he was adamant. "..that I won't promise that you will be the only one in my heart"

"Because it might be your wish but it cannot be the wish of future Maharaj as it's not his call to decide how many concubine/ side consort he should stop at. He has the right to fill his harem with innumerable women but he doesn't has the right to say that he only want one woman for the rest of his life. Though it's sad but it's true" she reminded him.

They both continued to look at each other as their earlier desire now faded away.

"I know you want me..and now even you know that I want you too but Kunwar sa I can only offer you my body just for tonight but not my soul for the rest of our existence" she was crystal clear. "Though even if we spend the night together we won't be meeting ever again after this and even in the future our path do cross we will simply smile at each other and walk away in the opposite direction because that's what is written in destiny"

"So you just want to pretend that there is  nothing between us. You simply want to throw this away.." Manik scowled which made her smile "..well it's way better than you throwing me, my dignity and my emotions away in the future by bringing in nth number of women between us in the name of ritual and traditions."

"I am too blunt Kunwar sa. I always speak what I truly feel. I want you. I admire you and I desire you to such an extent that even after knowing that we have no future together I am ready to give my body, heart and soul to you tonight. But that still won't change how I actually feel about Samghar's traditions regarding this whole concubine/ side consort thing. We have no future together Kunwar sa and it's better that we both accept it."

Though she has no idea that Manik had no intention of letting her go but still Manik allow her to speak her mind because he wanted to know and see what she truly feels for him.

Her words were harsh but unfortunately it was true keeping in view the past of Samghar's traditions.

Her words only made him more adamant to make her his only queen. Though she was blunt and harsh but she was honest and righteous.
No one could match upto her level and he was now absolutely sure that she was created just for him.

"What if I disagree with you.." Manik finally spoke "..what if I prove you wrong.."

"Then I will surrender myself to you happily and willingly. Trust me when I say this I would have be more happy if you prove me wrong and end up loosing to you. But unfortunately I know that's never going to happen. Things won't change according to our preference Kunwar sa." Her response was quite a clear indication of her broken heart that he was he'll bent to mend away.

He continued to listen to her looking at her angel like face "..you are the Crown Prince..my brother already hate you and he would never allow this wedding to take place because just like other he would think that you will use me as a pawn to gain an upper hand over him regarding the territorial dispute between Rajghar and Samghar. And even if he did agreed our subjects would revolt against those in the power. So if you truly want to win me you have to make sure you win them first."

"And how will I do that..especially knowing that they won't accept a new ruler who isn't from Rajghar." Manik asked to which she replied "..it's simple..you don't need to rule the people..you just have to rule their heart."

"Will it be so easy.." he shook his head which made her smile "..of course not..but then if things would be so easy then how will you prove your worth as the Crown Prince" she pointed out. "And by the way real battle will begin only after that when you have to win my trust and make me believe that you would never let anyone come between us and you will belong to me and me only. There won't be any sharing of any sort..just you and me..together for the rest of our existence.."

She ran the tip of her thumb over his lower lips "..prove that you will only belong to me and I will follow you anywhere and everywhere without raising any question. You will not only own me physically but my heart and soul will belong to you for the rest of eternity as well.."

"But for that you have to act up fast kunwar sa..because even my virginity can't wait for you forever.." she winked as she kissed him one last time before gently pushing him away. "..now hide.."

He frowned but right on cue he heard the sound of footstep approaching toward them. He looked at Nandini who now was looking just as elegant when she entered the Gala as she fixed herself in no time. "..Go.."

She gestured as she walked into the light moving toward the ball room. "Where were you Nandini..we were looking for you for so long.."

"I went for a stroll bhai..I was feeling suffocated inside. And I didn't wanted to disturb you, bhabhi and Madhyam..so I quietly left.." she replied so casually and confidently that even Manik believed her for a second.

"You okay na.." Abhimanyu checked her face. "You are looking little flustered too.."

"I am okay now..can we please leave..I want to go home.." Nandini requested.

"Me too.." Mukti agreed as well.

"Let's go then.." Madhyam nodded in agreement. "I will ask them to bring the carriage.." saying he left both the girls with Abhimanyu.

"You scared us for Nandini. We were going crazy thinking where did you vanish all of a sudden.." Abhimanyu hugged her.

"Get used to it bhai.." Nandini smirked. "Who knows what more crazy things we might witness in the future.."

"What.." both Mukti and Abhimanyu spoke together. "Nothing..come on let's go.."saying this Nandini dragged both of them from there leaving a grinning Manik hidden in the shadow behind.


✔✔THE KING AND HIS QUEEN❤❤[ COMPLETED]✔✔Where stories live. Discover now