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His hands were so gentle upon her flawless skin yet it was firm enough that no one could take her away from him.

Looking into her deep eyes he could see that she was lost in him just as much he was lost in her. Though they were surrounded by hundreds of heirs and heiress belonging to different states and regions but they were living in the bubble for their own in this moment.

However what really surprised him that she wasn't anything like those shy girls who would look away or would take any effort to move away from him after meeting his intense gaze.

If Manik had any ray of doubt left in his mind now even that evaporated like a puff when he found her looking back into his eyes with same level of intensity..if not more.

She was perfect for there was no doubt about that because only she could match upto him even on the level of desire.

Their eyes were communicating on their own. There was no words involved but their response to each other physically were more than enough to scream to the world that exactly what they both wanted at that moment.

And it was not only him that was feeling like that even her stance and hold on him was clearly indicating that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

Shiver ran down his spine as his whole body turned into live wire as soon he heard her first word that was meant just for him "Kunwar sa.."

His facial expression changed while his eyes turn darker as he spoke to her for the very first time "you recognised me.."

"There is only Crown can I not recognise him. But that's not what surprised me.." she snaked her hands around his neck as he enveloped her in his embrace by pulling her closer to his chest.

They were swinging on the tune with the crowd along the music. Though the light were on but they were intentionally dimmed to create a romantic atmosphere for the would be couples who were dancing in the room and that acted as a sheer blessing for both of them because no one could see exactly how close they both were to each other.

"..then what did actually surprised you." He was curious now to which she replied "..that how come no one else in the room knew that you are present here tonight."

"Well I have heard that Rajkumari Nandini is very smart so I am pretty sure she already know the answer to it.." he smirked as he swirled her around. "Since you know my name and you are dancing with me while making sure that no one else notices your presence so that's kind of a give away don't you think.."

He smirked "..since you know the answer than why are you asking this question.."

"Simple.."she whispered leaning closer "..I want to hear those words from you for real"

"I came here for you.." he had no issues in admitting the truth because he knew that she knew this too "..because I want you.."

" one of your many concubine and side consorts.." she raised her eyebrows "..don't you already know what my answer to that..haven't you already heard it yesterday afternoon"

Now he was shocked " knew I was there"

"You are the Crown Prince..your aura cannot be hidden among the shrubs and bushes of my backyard." She smiled crookedly.

"Did your bhabhi or anyone else knew I was there" he smiled with her.

"No one except me know that you have been stalking me since yesterday afternoon when you saw me for the very first time as I was busy dealing with some so called leeches." Her words only made him admire her more.

"So you knew but still you let me stalk you.." this time he swirled her around and simply took her away from the crowd into the deserted corridor that was just next to the hall where her back was against the wall with her arms around his shoulder while he was hovering over her.

Since the dance was in full swing no one even realised that those two were missing. "Tell me..why didn't you stop me by getting me caught by your soldiers.."

"Because I know I can never have you..however I am too selfish to let you walk away especially after knowing that you took so much of effort just for me. I guess my inner siren goddess took over my righteous self and locked her somewhere far away or else I wouldn't even let you be so close to me at the moment in such close place" her words only made him more desperate.

His desire was irked from the moment he laid his eyes on her and now her words simply fanned the flames of his lecherous passion for her. " what is it that you want Rajkumari Nandini.." he ran down the tip of his index fingers from the base of her throat to the tip of her naval running it across her cleavage over the blouse down her middle body spreading fireworks across her existence. "..just say the words and your wish will be granted.."

His touch was driving her insane with desire but she was unable to tear her gaze away from his hypnotic spell so she simply ended up uttering the words which exactly her heart desired at the moment "..I want you Kunwar sa..I want to feel you against my very existence.."

And the next moment his lips were against her while his body was against every inch of her body as their hands roaming freely over the other.

They didn't knew whether it was love or lust that they felt for each other at the moment but they knew one thing for sure that whatever it was it was not only to late for them to back out now but it was also too deep and intense that they won't experience with anyone else expect with each other.

In short they both knew that they were deep shit but much to their surprise they were loving and craving for it more and more.


**Precap : Something too hot and something too cold**

✔✔THE KING AND HIS QUEEN❤❤[ COMPLETED]✔✔Where stories live. Discover now