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"What do you think about this Kunwar sa.." she asked him "..won't it match with your sherwani on our engagement night.."

When he didn't replied she wasn't heartbroken because by now she was used to his silence rather she busied herself looking for matching accessories.

His cold attitude didn't went unnoticed by Ranima who accompanied her son and future daughter in law as well "Kunwar sa we need to talk.." she then turned only to smile at her soon to be daughter in law "..beta we will back in a moment..meanwhile you buy anything and everything you feel like..okay.."

"Ji Ranima.." she smiled and got back to her shopping while Ranima held his hand and literally dragged him to another room. Making sure no one hear their conversation she though didn't lock the door but closed it firmly so that neither could anyone hear them from the outside nor could anyone enter the room without their knowledge.

"What the hell is wrong with you Kunwar sa..how can you treat bahurani sa so coldly when she had nothing but been an absolute sweetheart to you all along." Ranima's words annoyed him "..why Ranima is not enough that I am marrying her now do I have to pretend that I care her as well. Will now you and Maharaj will force me to love her as well...for the sake of these so called nonsensical traditions and rituals of Samghar"

His words made her cringe "Manik..we are doing this for your good only beta..we are your parent..why can't you trust us for once..we want.." however before she could finish he cut her off " it's better if you don't name your and babasa's selfishness as "betterment for Samghar and for giving me a safe and secure future, please keep your theatrics to yourself only Ranima.."

"I am your mother Manik.." tears brimmed in her eyes but unfortunately it had no effect on him "..you are Ranima for me..and I am the Crown Prince that you gave birth to..that's the only relation I share with you..and I am not interested in sharing anymore relation with you and Maharaj..so call me Kunwar sa only..no need to get personal Ranima.."

"How long will you remain angry with us Kunwar sa..it's been two month..won't you ever forgive your babasa and me.." she was finding it difficult to keep her emotions in check. "We don't understand why are you so angry with us to begin with.."

He couldn't take it anymore "..because you made me break my vow. It's because of you and Maharaj I lost something before I could even find it. You two made me a liar..a cheater and someone who goes back on his words breaking someone heart and trust..and I won't ever forgive you for that..ever.."

"You wanted me to get married to Rajkumari Alia that's why you and Maharaj literally dragged me back from Rajghar by sending forces that took hundreds of innocent lives that day. And than without listening a word from me you and Maharaj locked me in the castle only to take the biggest decision of my life and announcing it to the world without even letting me know. Before I could know I ended up becoming a mule in political bargain as you two sold me to the highest bidder by fixing my marriage with someone I barely know.."

"Rajkumari Alia isn't a stranger Manik..she.." once again he cut Ranima off as his rage got out of control "..I don't care who is what..and who is what not..you two made me commit a sin by coercing into this marriage.."

"Do you want someone else Manik.." finally Ranima realised something"..you can always have a side consort/ concubine of your choice Manik.." her words fanned the flames of his rage even more as it reminded him of his broken promise that he made to someone he truly loved "..enough Ranima..how can you be okay even with the existence of this idea. You being a woman yourself want your son to have pleasure of number of women..seriously Ranima..are you so blinded by your position and power that you can't see how wrong this tradition is."

"Oh wait..I forgot..you are the Queen of course..Rani Ma..the legal Consort..how can you empathise with the pain of those women who live their lives as a mistress or side consort. Sorry my mistake that I hoped you will understand their pain. Please forgive me for this grave mistake.."

For the first time Ranima had nothing to say in her defence.

"Now if you are done with your drama let's go back as your future daughter in law would be awaiting your return.." he was about to leave when they heard a knock at the door.

Calming herself down she spoke "who is it.."

"Ranima it's me" Alia replied.

"Come in beta.." she wiped her tears away on time as the very next moment Alia entered the room being all chirpy and happy.

"What happened Rajkumari..you are looking so happy..did something happened.." Ranima asked her to divert Alia's attention.

"Yes Ranima..something great has happened..my cousin brother too is getting married..the girl he was pursuing for so long finally agreed to marry him.." she was so happy that she didn't even noticed Manik rolling his eyes so she continued "..and both bhai and bhabhi sa has agreed to attend my engagement with Kunwar sa.."

"Really..that's great news Rajkumari.." Ranima tried to sound happy as well but Manik felt no need to pay attention to the saas bahu milap so he was about to leave the room when he heard something that literally froze his feet to the ground "..so when is Prince Madhyam coming here with his fiancé.."

And the next moment his nightmare turned true when Alia replied "He and Nandini bhabhi sa will be directly attend my engagement ceremony with Kunwar sa as they both will be performing the rituals from the bride side in the ceremony.."

In that instant Manik knew that Karma had hit him right back at the place where it will hurt him the most in the worst possible manner..


**what's fiction without some drama.😂

Before cursing me read the title of the story and if possible have faith on me and my love for MANAN🙏🏻**

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