Chapter 1

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          "Hey poop! Stop appearing in front of us. That foul stench from your body is polluting the air." Jennifer pushed her and she fell heavily to the floor. They just laughed and moved towards the cafeteria. I ended my recording and put away my mobile. I struggled to stop myself from going to her shaking body. I know she's now crying silently. Dad made us three brothers promised to keep a very low profile and stay out of trouble in this school but that doesn't mean I can't try other ways to help her. Winnie..... Oh sweet Winnie..... Please stay strong.

          Her head is still bowed down and her long blond hair covered her face. "I hate you rich people. I hate you all." I was standing 10 feet away from behind a corner but I heard those angry words from her lips. It wasn't loud but I heard it. I felt pain or discomfort in my heart when I heard those words. No. Please don't. She punched the floor with her fist but not strong enough to injure herself. She stood up, adjusted her clothes and dusted herself. I quickly hid behind the corner again before she lifted up her head and I walked away fast. At the school parking lot, "Hey Chris!" yelled Tim. "Where have you been?! We've been waiting for you for almost 20 minutes! Get in!" "Sorry guys. I got held up by someone who needed my help." Tim turned around and looked at me. Maybe he got his answers from my expression and said in a softer tone, "Next time text us first." He turned around and started our car. Jared, my other older brother put his arm around my shoulders and said, "Everything okay little Bro?" "Nah... It's nothing."

          Once we were out of the school compound, our one car escort followed us discreetly as usual. I'm getting my brown belt today but I'm just not that excited for it. I can't stop thinking about Winnie. Will she be alright? I can't wait to go home. "What's up Chris? Is something bothering you?" "Can we go straight home after the ceremony? I have a group discussion tonight." "Online or do you want me to send you somewhere?" "Online." "Okay little brother."

          That night, I searched in Facebook, Instagram, Snapchats or whatsoever social platforms to get my much needed info.

Christian: Johnson. I had just emailed a list of names 2 u. Can u help 2 check whether these people r working 4 us? If yes, pls text the names 2 my dad. Thnks.

Johnson: No problem Christian. Give me a few minutes.

          Knocking on my dad's office door, I poked my head in. Good. He's just reading a book. "Christian? Come in. What is it?" Smiling, I sat on the chair in front of his desk. "Dad. I need your help." Hearing my words, he took a long look at me. "No. You're not old enough to drive your car." "Now why didn't I think of that. Ha ha ha. No dad. Not that." "What kind of help are we talking about?" "Johnson will text you a list of persons working for us." Dad scrunged his brows together. "And....." "Their children are our school bullies. I'm not asking you to fire those employees. Just transfer them far and apart from each other." Dad came around his desk and kneeled down in front of me. "Did they beat you son? Are you hurt somewhere?" Dad searched my ears, neck or my arms while saying something about breaking somebody's neck. "I'm okay dad. They wouldn't dare touch us knowing Tim as my big brother but that doesn't mean they are not trouble. You made us promise, right? How do we stay out trouble if they are around."

          "How come Timothy and Jared didn't say anything about this?" Oh o. I didn't think about that. Think fast. "Let me show you a few videos. The last video happened right in front of me today. I felt so bad not being allowed to help her." Dad watched the videos silently. Once he was done, he closed his eyes and stood up. "It wasn't just to her and the bullying happened many times before to other kids as well." Dad's phone received a text. "Was that Johnson?" "Yes. There is a list of names here with job description and department." "I sort of guessed they are our employees. Well dad?" Dad took a long look at me. "What?" "Son. Have you heard about divide and conquer?" Is this a trick question? Shit. Am I in trouble? Is dad not going to help?

          "What's that?" "That's sort of what you're doing to those trouble makers. If you wanted me to transfer the parents because you didn't like their kids then it wouldn't be fair to the parents. I'll be abusing my power and position to get what you want. However, seeing that it's for helping others by removing those troublemakers, I don't see why not. The upbringing and manners of every child is the responsibility of their parents or guardians. No excuse. You'll make a good businessman and a good person when you grow up son. You are wise to think of their transfers instead of getting them fired. I'll get Johnson to handle it first thing tomorrow morning. Rest assure son. I will make sure they're far and wide from each other. Go on to bed." Yes!!! "I love you dad. Night." "I love you too son. Night."

          Out in hallway, I can't stop smiling. Seeing my mom coming my way, "Hi mom." Mom smiled too. "Christian.... Why are you so happy?" "Nothing mom. Just happy. Night mom. Love you." "I love you too Christian. Good night." Shaking her head, she headed on to their room. I hope everything will get better. Winnie....

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