Chapter 25

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Christian: Any news?

Anthony: He's clean. Single. Nvr married. Did well in uni & steady job. Family ordinary & clean.

J.B: Too clean.

Christian: Job?

J.B: Golden Valley Publishing Hse as Asst. Editor. We hv no deals wit them.

Christian: My hunch was right. Bad news. Media connections. Refuse any contact by both him & Co.

Anthony: An exclusive abt u Sir?

J.B: 2 birds wit 1 stone. Miss Winnie?

Christian: Perhaps a plan 2 make me pay him 2 stay away frm Winnie using his editor bckground 2 scare me? Keep watch 4 anythng. Get 2 guys watch him. Thnks guys 4 the gud work.

Anthony: Yes Sir.

J.B: Yes Sir.

Hm... I guess I have to discuss with mom and dad about Winnie moving in with me and Sam moving in here. I now realised why Abby and Chloe were moved in too soon with the guys. Tim and Jared must have thought the same things as I do now. Protecting my loved ones. Mom and dad took great measures to protect our family... our loved ones. Yup! First thing in the morning.

I woke up early as usual and waited for my parents in the kitchen after my morning run. I told them about everything that had been going on and about that creep. Mom and dad didn't object with my suggestion of Sam moving in here. In fact... They're happy to have Sam. Mom had this ominous grin on her face when I said that I want Winnie to move into my house. Okay... Now I have to discuss with Winnie and convince her before I move on with my plan.

Knocking on Winnie's bedroom door, I heard a soft, "Come in." Hm... Her hair is still wet. "Morning beautiful. Here let me help you towel dry your hair." "I was just going to leave it to dry." "Well I don't want you to catch a cold especially right now. Mom was always a little cranky whenever it's around her time. There was this routine of how she did things back then. You have to ask my mom why." Winnie looked at me long and hard before saying, "You could have just kissed me senseless and I would have said yes."

I wasn't expecting that. Wait a minute. Is this one of their mood swings? Winnie suddenly burst out laughing, "You should have seen your face? You didn't expect me to say that, did you?" Sounded like a challenge or an invitation to me. Whatever. I pulled her to my chest and slammed my mouth on her lips. My right hand behind her neck and my left arm around her waist. Mm... I can't ever get enough of her lips. Her body is so soft under my hands and fits every curve on my body. When I realised that my hands were squeezing her soft behind, I knew I had to postpone our makeout before I do something that I would regret. Soon my beautiful Winnie. Soon. Putting an end to our kiss, I pulled back to see Winnie's dazed eyes. Chuckling, I kissed her forehead and went inside the bathroom. Taking out a dry towel, "Now that you my dear... have been properly kissed, why don't you sit down on the vanity chair and let me dry your hair?" She avoided my eyes and blushed. I can never get tired of her blushes and gave her soft pecks on both of her warm cheeks.

"Winnie... I found out a few things about your ex. His sudden appearances already made me suspect him of having some sinister agenda against us. He is currently working as an assistant editor in a publishing company and I think he's after money or me by using you. These two are the most likely reasons considering who I am. I need to keep both you and Sam safe." "Keep us safe? Such as?" "Winnie... Will you consider moving in with me?" "How about Sam?" "I have already discussed with my parents and they are more than happy to have him." Winnie turned her head away to gaze out of the window with a pensive look on her face. I'm starting to feel a little worried that somehow I have made her upset.

"Winnie. Did I say something wrong? Please... tell me." Winnie sat down on the bed again and kept her gaze down. "For how long do I stay with you?" Aha... I think I know where her question is leading to. "Winnie. I love you very much and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I don't need to go on 100 dates with you to decide whether the both of us are good together. I believe in fate as in you are my fated one. No matter how far or how long apart two people are from each other, if they are fated ones, they are bound to meet up again and be together. I never thought that I would see you again after nine years. Nine years Winnie. That's a very long time. It's as if we are meant to be." "Wow. You sounded like you're proposing to me." I did? Hm... "Is it a yes then?" "Yes to what? To agreeing to move in with you or to your proposal?" I gazed into her eyes long and hard. I don't care if it's too soon. "How about both?" "Huh? I uh... I... I need to think about this. Alone."

Oh o. Did I mess up? Was I too rash? "I'll be in my room if you want to talk or if you want to ask me about something. Winnie... I'm not forcing you into anything. I wouldn't do that to you." Closing her door, I went back to my room feeling a little weary and my heart felt a little heavy too. I have never felt this way before. Flopping down on my bed with a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes. Thinking back to all the things that I have said to Winnie just now, did I truly mess up? I was only laying down for about 15 minutes when I heard a soft knock on my door. I heard Winnie's, "It me." "Come in." Winnie came in slowly after closing my door and she's blushing again. Could it be... She wouldn't look at me in the eyes and kept her eyes on things around my room.

When Winnie finally sat on my bed, she kept looking down at her feet. "I know this is crazy but... yes." She thought it over... so soon?! Calm down. Calm... down. "Yes to what Winnie?" I knew the answer even before she answered when I saw her blush becoming more intense. Winnie... You have just made today as the happiest day of my life. Her "Both" came out in a whisper but I don't care. I laughed and kissed her senseless.

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