Chapter 27

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Winnie. I'm so proud of her. When that creep took out his knife, I think I stopped breathing for a while. I almost run to her side but stopped when I saw her pick up an umbrella. I know she can take care of herself but I haven't seen her in action to know her real capabilities. I saw one of my assigned bodyguard appearing stealthy behind that creep. The scenes that unfolded afterwards were awesome. My strong and fighter Winnie. Chuckling to myself, I may have to watch out in the future. Her hands are fast and deadly.

After downloading the CCTV footage from the flower shop, I shared the video to Tim, Justin and our legal team. I'm glad that creep didn't realise there is a CCTV camera outside the flower shop. That clear footage will be a good slap to his cocky face. Touching the small velvet box in my pocket, I smiled as I imagined the look on Winnie's face when she sees the surprise I have planned for her later. I already put her belongings into my bedroom and sent Sam's to my family home.

After meeting Tim and our legal team at Morgan's Headquarters, I drove to a shopping mall to pick up Winnie. She had earlier sent me a text message saying she needs to buy a few things. I offered to accompany her but Winnie was adamant that she goes alone. Hm... I thought most women loves to have their boyfriends to go shopping with them. Winnie was reluctant to have two of my men with her but agreed when I said that my men will follow her at a comfortable distance. My men reported back that she only went to a few a department stores and she didn't meet up with any guy. Geez... Those guys must have thought that I am worried she's seeing someone else.


Even though Chris is rich, I would still prefer to buy my own underwear. Comfortable cotton underwear. Not those lacy underwears despite what people says. I already bought enough. I was going through some other colours and patterns when I heard women's voices coming nearer. I didn't bother to look up as there were some other women in this women's section of the departmental store.

"I can't believe this. That's her?" The voice was near enough so I was turning around out of curiosity towards her voice. Before I even get to look at her face, I was rudely pushed down to the floor. What?! Being pushed with such ease by her did hurt my pride a bit. Looking at her angry and unfamiliar face, I noticed that there were three other women with her. Standing up, I dusted my jeans and made myself ready for any further attempts.

"What is your problem?!" Her eyes looked at me from the top of my head to the tip of my sneakers and looked around the store with a disgusted sneer on her lips. "You..." Her finger moved from my head to my shoes and laughed. "A cheap departmental store? Hah. You are a sorry excuse for assuming yourself as Chris' girlfriend. Girls... I think the video at the cafe wasn't a real thing. Maybe it was just to put off an unwanted attention of a undesirable someone and everyone believed it." Video at the cafe?

"Is there a problem here?" Justin was leaning lazily on a wall near me. "See! She's with this guy and eew... what a bad taste you have in men." I think I saw Justin's jaw muscle twitched a little. I turned my face around to hide a smile. I think she unknowingly picked a sensitive issue for Justin. "There's no doubt about it. The video was totally made up." "It's okay Justin. I'm just about done with my shopping. Let's go." "Yeah shoo. Have fun with your hot and gorgeous boyfriend here. You deserve each other. You are way over your head if you think Chris is within your reach. He's mine to begin with." She and her group of bitches laughed.

"If you are talking about me, then I don't know you and I don't appreciate you degrading my girlfriend." Chris? Talk about timing. Wait a minute. I thought he had something to do at work. Miss Number One Bitch most probably has a loose wire in her brain because her expression changed to what I call as trying to be cute and innocent. I thought those acts only exists in cartoons. She should have realised that Chris already saw and heard more than enough to know the kind of person she is.

"Chris... I uh... Aw... Come on. We met in London during the signing ceremony. I was the organiser for the event. Remember?" "I have met a lot of people there and no... I don't remember you at all and that still doesn't excuse for how you mistreated my girlfriend." Oh oh. Her expression turned sour before saying in a strained voice, "What do you want then?" "The most decent thing you can do right now is apologise sincerely to my girlfriend. Your friends too." Letting out a fake lady like laugh, "Apologize? Girls did I do anything wrong?" All her friends smiled and shooked their heads. "I don't think so. We were moving around and she bumped into us. It was a hard bump and my left arm hurts a bit." Their eyes... My goodness. I just noticed their eyes. They are all over Chris' body.

"What is your name?" "Oh ho ho... My dear. Now you want to know my name? Then you've just made the right choice. I'm Linda Williams." Opening her bag, she took out a business card and gave it to Chris. Chris smiled and there was a smug smile on her face when she stared at me. "Miss Williams. Did you or your friends train in karate, taekwando or any type of self defense before?" Miss Number One Bitch scrunched her brows together and looked at her friends. She shooked her head before saying, "No. Why you asked?" "My girlfriend don't do cat fights so you ladies were lucky." The bitches have puzzled look on their faces. Facing the other three women, Chris asked, "I believe I haven't got your names or do you ladies have business cards as well?" Her friends took out their cards and gave them to Chris. They somehow felt proud of their achievements and the smugness on their faces are hardening by the minute. I struggled to stop myself from chuckling because I have a hunch that giving Chris their name cards is a very bad idea.

"Come on my dear. Let's go." "Chris. Don't forget to call us." Chris just waved his hand in their general direction as we moved out from the store. "Justin. Please get the CCTV footage from that store and hand these name cards to Anthony. Tell him to find out about those females. Thanks." Oh yeah... Chris is still pissed. "My pleasure boss. My pleasure."

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