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I knew instantly who she is. My Winnie. She looks so ethereal. I was just about to touch her shoulder when the most irritating sound woke me up. My alarm. What a dream. Should I get her a blue dress too? Nah... It's too late. The ceremony will be in three hours but maybe it will be a good idea to get her one as a gift.

Our wedding will be held at my backyard garden. Mom and Abby found a professional wedding planner for us. Our wedding theme is flowery white and the decorations are beautiful. I think Colin has been following the wedding planner almost round the clock. He said, "A beauty on the eyes of the beholder." Yes he's in trouble.

We only invited close relatives for the ceremony and for tonight's banquet. Our security team made sure no photos of Winnie to appear anywhere but the news of our wedding today are all over the media. Winnie stayed with my parents so I didn't see her since yesterday morning. Abby wouldn't let me see her wedding dress and I have a bad feeling about it.

 Abby wouldn't let me see her wedding dress and I have a bad feeling about it

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It's 10 a.m and Winnie is standing with a radiant smile on her face from the other end of the red carpet. Tim is giving her away. I have never felt so happy and lucky in my life. Finally. My beautiful Winnie. My beautiful wife.

I can't seem to think straight. I don't know about what other grooms think on their wedding day. All I have been thinking since I unveiled her is how do get that dress off her? I'm behaving like sex crazed teenager. Even after going through our vows, the kiss, well wishes and photo sessions, I still can't calm down. Jared kept looking at me with a scrunch on his forehead and once in a while asked whether I'm okay.

Downing a glass of water, I'm glad that the wedding ceremony is finally over and we can have a few hours of rest before tonight's banquet. Locking the door behind us, I gave Winnie an all consuming kiss representing this crazy need in my crotch. "Chris?" "This dress drives me crazy. Your boobs are almost spilling out." "Makes you crazy?" she chuckled. "Wow. I'm glad I bought the right one." "Shh..."

Kissing her again, I took the opportunity to find buttons or zippers on her back. There's was none! I can't wait. Unzipping myself, I pushed her softly against the wall and lifted her dress. She's not wearing any underwear?! Winnie smiled shyly and whispered, "Someone told me it's good luck without one." Chuckling, "Thank you to that someone." Hooking her left leg onto my hip, I was finally home with one accurate thrust into her core. Groaning with wild pleasure, I grinded myself into her before thrusting her urgently. She's so sexy. After shudders of orgasm rocked our bodies, we peeled off our clothes and took a shower together. Setting my alarm again, we took a much needed nap together.


Sitting outside of our bedroom balcony, I wanted to memorise this blissful night. I watched his handsome face relaxed and his eyes are closed as if he's absorbing the moonlight. My handsome and gorgeous husband. Opening an eye to peek at me, he smiled before saying, "Don't worry. I'm not going to turn into a werewolf anytime soon." Playfully swatting his forearm, I chuckled while Chris feigned to receive a painful strike from me.

"I'm curious. Whatever happened to Miss Williams?" "Her? She came the next day to see Anthony and signed her contract with us. She's allowed to take the contract back home to study it but she didn't." "And?" "She was extremely excited when Anthony told her to bring some winter cloths because our branch that she signed for is at North of Europe. Maybe she thought North Of Europe means Sweden, Norway or Denmark." "Maybe she only heard the word Europe." "Anthony said she was a little dazed when she heard how lucrative the pay is. It's in Iceland, " and Chris grinned. "Iceland?! How is she now?" "I heard she resigned the same day she reached our branch there. She was only penalised for the return flights because it's the least that she can do and we did anticipated her resignation. The most important thing is that she can't say anything bad about the job offer and also about us to anyone because that clause was included in the contract that she had signed."

"No wonder Anthony was all starry eyed when Timothy first proposed the idea."

                   TWO YEARS LATER

I don't know why Chris insisted that I wear this blue dress but I don't mind

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I don't know why Chris insisted that I wear this blue dress but I don't mind. It's beautiful. I have gained a little weight since I gave birth 10 months ago but Chris said he just loves my more rounder curves. My body now reminds him of my then teenage body.  I know it's getting darker outside so I quickly left my closet and saw Chris rocking our little Sean's cradle in the next room. It seems my darling baby is now awake. "He's awake." Scooping him up in my arms, "There now my little darling. Would you like to see some stars outside?" Squatting near the door window, I pointed up to the stars in the dusky blue sky. I heard a camera shutter that's probably from Chris. He loves to take photos of us. "Wow... Just like in my dreams. Only I didn't see Sean back then because maybe he was leaning back on your chest like now." "What dream?" "The early morning of our wedding day. I dreamt this. You in this blue dress and sitting on the floor. Everything is the same."

"Dreamt about our future? Wow. That's is amazing. Did I tell you that I love you this morning?" "Yes you did. Almost every morning except for the day when you were about to give birth to my little man here." "You will never forget that, aren't you? I was in labour. I wasn't thinking when I said I hate you." Feigning a heartache before laughing, Chris kissed my forehead and helped us up. "I love you Winnie." "Papa." We looked at each other. "He said papa. Hahaha.... That's my son. Well done little man. I love you too." Sean gurgled and squeeled after both of us kissed his cheeks. "And I love you both very much."

                         THE END


The Billionaire's Secret Crush ends the Morgan Trilogy. I sincerely hope everyone had a great time reading my books. I will be continuing with Sonel, my first werewolf book.

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