Chapter 29

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"Come." Chris helped me to put on a robe and he is still avoiding my eyes. I honestly felt relieved that he didn't look at me and somehow, I think he knows what I'm feeling right now. Even though we already made love before but I still feel a little shy. Unhooking another robe for himself, he took a towel and led me to the bed. "Here. Let me towel dry your hair." Chris did so gently, slowly while dropping a few soft kisses on my temples. "You're so beautiful Winnie and I love you very much." He went back inside the bathroom and I saw that he took another towel to dry his hair.

When he finally gazed into my eyes, a look of hunger was evident in those blue eyes of his and my core fluttered even more stronger. Chris put his thumb under my lower lips and gently swiped it across my lips. "You're so beautiful Winnie." Putting both of his hands on my cheeks, Chris slammed down his mouth on mine and gave me an all consuming kiss. He wasn't kissing me roughly but it was hungry, urgent and I love it. His arms went around my rear and pulled me closer to him. I can feel his hard shaft on my stomach. Chris then turned around to sit on the bed and pulled me stand up in between his thighs. After pulling my robe apart, Chris buried his face in between my breasts and hugged me for a while. "Mm... I miss your twin round boobs." Then Chris began to kiss the skin around my breast before molding and sucking on my nipples. I had anticipated this but I still can't stop myself from moaning at the sensual pleasures that Chris is giving me. One of his hand was rubbing my core and I can feel this fluttering in me getting more stronger. Mm... I love this feeling.

Pulling me to sit on the end of the bed, Chris opened wide my legs and proceeded to lick my core. Ah... It feels so... good and I realised that I needed this delicious feeling too. Chris kept licking on my little nub and I felt the knot inside my core almost bursting. "Chris... Please..." Chuckling, "Now? My pleasure my love." I went further up the bed while watching him unrobe. I saw his shaft is already fully stretched and the tip is very moist with some of his pre-cum that's already dripping down. He put the tip of his shaft on my core and rubbed it around before pushing in slowly. Chris stilled inside of me and I felt... so filled up. Kissing and nibbling around my neck, Chris started to move slowly before going faster and faster. I love listening to his deep throated moan and I moaned my pleasures as well.


Winnie is so wet right now and I know her juices are spilling out from her core. I love the sounds it makes as I thrust her and I know she's going to come soon. Her flesh is starting to squeeze my shaft and her breaths are going faster. "Faster Chris. Harder!" She just said those words and she bucked her waist up.

Keeping my shaft inside her core, I pushed my body up from her and turned her body so that we lay down spooning with each other. I molded her breast with my right hand and continued to thrust her core from behind. Soft and lazy moans are coming from her mouth again. I then lifted her so both her knees are on the bed. I held her hips firmly against me as all my pent up desires coming out full force right now and my thrusting is causing the bed to squeek and shake. Her boobs are also shaking around roughly and I love the watery sounds from her core when I thrusts her. Her core is tightening and squeezing around my shaft again. Her hands grabbed the bedsheet roughly and soon she screamed my name.

I can't come so soon. Not after the bathroom incident so I continued to pound Winnie. I lifted her upper body and softly nibble her shoulders while I kept thrusting her. I molded her breasts again as I can feel I am going to come. Thrusting her faster, she moaned my name as I grunted and groaned while my seeds filled her. I held her tight while my hips are still twitching with orgasm. Wow... That was awesome. I love fucking you Winnie. After the last waves of orgasm are over, I thrust her a few times before pulling my wet shaft from her and all our juices spilled on the bed. "Was it three times for you?" Her head on the pillow, Winnie smiled lazily and I rested with my head in between her breast. I love her round boobs so much and automatically reached for one to hold.

After resting for a while, we took a quick shower together and I changed the bedsheet. Along with our messy juices on the bed sheet, there was also a little blood. "Winnie... Was I too rough on you and are you feeling any pain down there?" Winnie kissed my cheeks before saying, "What can I do when my future husband has a little monster hidden inside his boxer." Chris hugged me and said, "I'm sorry Winnie if I did hurt you. I wanted to have you so much and I think I was too rough." Winnie kissed my cheeks again and said, "We have a lifetime with each other so we can take things slowly." I pulled away to look at Winnie. "I'm a healthy man with healthy needs so I will need lots of toned down fucking for a start." Winnie laughed. Thinking back to what I just said, I realised my last few words sounded a little corny. Chuckling, there will definitely be lots of bedsheets changing from today onwards. Toned down fucking. I can't believe I have said that.

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