Chapter 17

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I was only reminded of her plunging dress when she took off the small coat in the restaurant. I can see almost half of her boobs in that plunging front. I felt all eyes are on her boobs right now. Moving closer to the restaurant owner, "Mr. Gordon. Congratulations. Everything looks great." "Mr. Morgan. I'm glad you made it." His eyes is roving slowly all over Winnie which is making her uneasy, "And who is this beautiful lady?" Snaking my arm around Winnie's waist, "This is my girlfriend Winnie." Maintaining his eyes on Winnie or more on her boobs, "You're a lucky guy Mr. Morgan. Well have a seat and enjoy yourselves. Dinner will be served in a few minutes."

I took Winnie to a table as fast as I could. Once we sat, Winnie looked around the restaurant but I only looked at eyes that belongs to the male species. "Chris. Stop it. I can take care of myself. Abby purposely picked a dress with a slit so that I can kick if I needed to." She chuckled before saying, "Just kidding." Was I too obvious? Smiling sheepishly, "You can't blame me. It's that dress. You look beautiful Winnie."

"Hello Winnie. That's a very nice dress you're wearing." I looked up and saw a guy standing next to Winnie's side. He's bad news if Winnie's facial expression instantly turned cold or somewhat distant. His eyes locked on Winnie's boobs, "I'm surprised to see you here. Aren't you going to introduce your date?" "Steven. This is Chris." He pretended to be hurt by putting his hands on his chest. Is he a drama queen or is he weird? He turned towards me and said, "Hi Chris um... Winnie didn't say your surname. I'm Steven Price. You look very familiar. Yeah. I've seen you somewhere before but I can't remember. Hm... Now where did I see you?" Taking a quick glance at Winnie's gloomy face, this Steven is starting to ruin our first date. "You may call me Christian. Christian Morgan. Now can you please excuse us as we need some privacy to discuss some urgent matters." He did a look over on me and said, "No... You're not saying you're 'The Christian Morgan,' aren't you? It's hard for me to believe this because it's just not possible. Why would a Morgan be spending time with her?" and looked at me again from the top of my head to the tip my shoes. There was a look of disbelief on his face. I don't care if he doesn't believe me.

I now can understand Winnie's behaviour right now. This guy is a jerk. I stood up towering over him and said, "I don't care what you think about me but putting down my girlfriend isn't acceptable. I suggest you apologise to Winnie and leave us in peace." Giving us fake smile, "Aw... come on. Don't be a spoil sport. I was just fooling around." This guy is asking for trouble but I must control myself for Winnie's sake. "It wasn't funny at all." Mr. Gordon suddenly appeared by my side and quickly put an arm on my shoulder. "Mr. Morgan. What's seems to be the problem here?" Noticing the casual way Mr. Gordon is treating me, that stupid jerk took a hard look on me again and gave a fake grin. "Aw it's nothing Mr. Gordon, Sir. Maybe I was a little rude because I had too much to drink. Please excuse me. I need to go to the men's room."

Clapping my shoulders, "My apologies for his behaviour Mr. Morgan. I will make sure he stays out of your way. Please. Have a seat Mr. Morgan. Now will you please excuse me. I'll get my staff to serve your table as soon as possible." Were they acquaintances? Hm... As Mr. Gordon moved away, I held both of Winnie's hands and squeezed them a bit. "Winnie. Are you alright?" Smiling a little, Winnie said, "Yes I'm okay. Sorry you have to meet that jerk." "May I know how you knew him?" Winnie looked away for a moment and said, "He was my ex boyfriend." Damn. I wasn't expecting that. Winnie isn't looking at me right now so I guess she's uncomfortable about it.

Giving her hands another squeeze, "What would you like to drink?" She looked at me when I didn't ask anything about her ex. "I would like some juice." From there onwards, we talked about how I started to fall for her as we enjoyed our dinner. We laughed when I told her about funny things I did with Tim and Jared. I guess our first date is a success because Winnie looked genuinely happy. When she wanted to go to the ladies room after finishing her dessert, I stood up as well. I don't want to her out of my sight. That jerk could still be around. "What are you doing?" "Me? I'm going to the men's room. Maybe we should leave after that. What do you think?" "Okay."

As we were saying our goodbyes to Mr. Gordon, I had this feeling that someone was watching us. Never disregarding my hunches, I took out my mobile and sent a short text to my bodyguards. Once we're on the road, I held Winnie's hand again. I planned to take her for a stroll around mom's garden later. I just don't want our date to end so soon. Arriving at another side gate, I pressed the remote controller. "Where are we?" "We're going for walk around mom's garden. It's such a beautiful night so I thought what better place to enjoy it than my mom's garden. My estate is connected with mom's garden so we can easily walk back if you don't mind. It's not very far." Winnie smiling, "I think it's a wonderful idea. Thank you Chris."

D.O: Clear Sir. Nobody followed.

Chris: Keep watch till we reach the estate.

D.O: Yes Sir

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