Chapter 7

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          Reaching our back door, "Winnie. Why don't you take a rest and I will get the maids to prepare everything for you. I have something to do at my own house but I will be back here for dinner tonight." Smiling, Winnie said, "Thank you Chris." She was just about to say something else but she wrongly placed her right foot on a step and started to fall forward. Everything happened in slow motion and I saw myself putting my arms around her waist. I even managed to turn her around and pulled her back to my body. We just stood there locked into each other's eyes and as if the whole world around us became a blur. Her body fits perfectly into mine. My heart is now having a weird dance and I can feel the stirring of my desire for her. Looking down to her pink lips, I felt my head starting to lean down. Stop!

          "Are you alright Winnie?" Damn! My voice is still not listening to my brain as it sounds a little husky. "Huh? Oh. Yes yes. I'm okay. I was just a little clumsy. Thank goodness you had a fast reflex just now or I would have had a dent on my face." I realised I still have my arms around her waist so I slowly released her. Well well well. Winnie is hiding a pair of treasures in those oversized um what to call them. Is it a sweater cum dress? Not that it's important to me.

         "Can I have your phone number?" "I'm sorry Chris. I don't own any mobile phone." Going inside the kitchen, I found a pen and a notepad inside a drawer. Scribbling my number, I gave the paper to Winnie. "Here is my private mobile number and please call me. Especially when you need help or anything. Only family, our P.A.s, security and now you knows this number. I've got to go now and I will see you again tonight." Smiling at her, I quickly walked out before I can't stop myself from doing something that I will regret. I don't want to scare her away.


          My period came. I hate it when it comes. My back hurts. My tummy hurts. I feel tired and sleepy but I can't sleep with all this pain. I feel like I have been hit by a bus! After Chris left, I went back into the guest room. Once inside, I noticed a few essentials things on the bed for me. Laying down, I can't help thinking about Chris. He's so sweet and when he held me, I can't help from drowning into those amazing blue eyes of his. I could feel his heart beating so fast and it felt just right being in his arms. I thought he was going to kiss me when he moved his head closer. Can I hope that he's somehow truly emotionally attracted to me? Oh dear. Am I falling for him? Is it possible after only getting to know him yesterday? I'm a 24 year old virgin and am I man hungry? Maybe that's it. Yeah. Should be. Oh I've gone crazy.

          There's a soft knock on my door. "Winnie. It's me. Can I come in?" "Come on in Kathy. It's not locked." "Winnie. I have a hot water bag for you wrapped in a towel. Here. Put it flat on your tummy and it will ease your cramps." "It will?" "I have been using this way to treat myself and it works fine." As I lay down with the bag on my tummy, I started to feel much more better. "You know what. It's working. So simple and all this while, I thought of getting some medication for my cramps." "It's not necessary and totally relying on medications aren't good for our body. Sometimes when you're having your period, there are some drinks or food that you can't take. Lots of girls and women can avoid or reduce their cramps if they just listen and apply."

          I forgot that she was a gynaecologist. "No. I didn't learn about this from being a gynaecologist but I learned about it from a few friends and also from my own experience. A few examples like avoid drinking coffee, tea or any cold drinks. Always take a hot shower and dry your hair instantly. If possible, don't take your showers late at night. These are the simple things that you should do for only a few days rather than having to go through all those pain or cramps. Always drinking some warm water helps too. Oh my...I think I should stop now. Try to sleep my dear. Dinner will be around 7 pm." "Thank you Kathy." "It's my pleasure Winnie. Now close your eyes and sleep my dear." Saying that, she kissed my forehead and squeezed my hand. Smiling, she slowly left the room. Chris oh Chris. You're so lucky to have a warm and caring mom.

          I didn't realised I had slept not until I felt something warm on my left cheek. Opening my eyes, I saw Chris sitting on the bed beside me with a smile on his face. "Hi again. Feeling better?" "Surprisingly yes. Thankfully today is a Saturday. Otherwise I will get deduction on my pay if I had skipped a day." "Chloe will do that to you?" "No. Not Chloe. She's too nice to me but my second boss will." "Second boss?" "I uh...I have a second job at night." "As a?..." "I'm a part time taekwando instructor." "A what!"

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