Chapter 5

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I think my face had just turned into a record breaking shade of red. I'm going to wring his neck! That was so embarrassing. In front of his parents! How am I going to face them now? Turning around slowly with a sheepish smile, "Um.....Morning Charles. Morning Kathy. Sorry about Sam." Charles stood up and softly patted my shoulder. "It's okay Winnie. Sam's a good kid and please take it easy on him. He's just fooling around. Boys his age does that a lot. Come have a seat." I sat down and Charles said, "Enjoy your breakfast Winnie. Now I'll leave you two to chat."

After Charles has gone out, Kathy sat closer to me and squeezed my hand. Smiling at me, "Are you feeling better now my dear?" "Yes Kathy. Thank you...thank you for staying with me last night." Gently stroking my shoulder, Kathy said, "I never had a daughter so last night gave me an experience of how it would have been if I had a daughter to console. Well now. Is there anything you would like to eat? I can get our cook to prepare it for you." "Anything you guys had for breakfast will be fine Kathy." "Now don't be shy. Just help yourself." All the food on the table looks delicious so I ate a bit of everything.

"Winnie. I would like to be frank with you. What do you think of Christian?" "Well. He's nice and friendly." "Okay.....Let me re-phrase my question. What do you think about Christian as a man?" Oh. As a man? Drinking some orange juice before answering, "Well..... Chris is nice to me. He is also a very handsome man with this amazing blue eyes. He's tall with broad shoulders and I like listening his deep voice. He's a lucky man to have loving parents like you and Charles." "Thank you." When I heard his voice coming from behind me, I was truly hoping the floor will open up and swallow me. Kathy had a wide smile on her face. Talk about timing or...maybe Kathy purposely asked me that question just now. I stood up and quickly said, "I'll go find Sam and see what he's up to." "There's no need to worry. One of my bodyguard is currently teaching him how to swim. Just let him have some fun for a while." Sitting back down, I slowly ate my breakfast.

"Winnie." I kept my eyes on my food. "Yes." "Am I making you nervous?" Clearing my throat, "No. Why would I be?" "Then look at me." I slowly looked up and realised that Kathy wasn't in the room anymore. Chris is looking at me intensely. I thought I saw a fleeting something in his eyes before he looked down. "Winnie. I hope you don't mind and I don't want to scare you in any way but I would really like to spend more time with you." What? A gorgeous guy wants to spend more time with me? That's a first for me. Is he just fooling around with me? "Why? Why me? I'm just a nobody with just a high school diploma and I have just been kicked out from my flat because I can't pay my rent on time."

"You're not a nobody to me and I have never thought of a person's financial status or lack of education as the deciding factors of whether I want to be with that person or not." he a lawyer? "No I'm not." Huh? "Did I say that out loud?" "Yes you did." I covered my burning up face with my hands. Today is full of embarrassing moments. I don't know if my face can stand anymore reddish episodes. I suddenly felt fingers on my cheeks. "So beautiful. You're so beautiful." The way he said that with his deep voice is doing havoc to my heart. Can he hear it? "Hear what?" "Did I said that out loud again?" Chris grinned and said, "Yes." "Uuhh...." "If you're done with your breakfast and still feeling nervous because of me, let's go find Sam."

He winked at me and my knees almost gave up on me. This man is dangerous! He didn't even touch me but my heart just did a triple somersault. He suddenly stopped walking and grinned at me. "What? Did I say something out loud again?" Chuckling, Chris said, "Oh" Reaching a door, Chris opened it and I saw an indoor swimming pool. Sam was at the corner of the pool and a man is holding Sam's shoulder. I guess he's teaching Sam how to float? "Do you want to go in?" "No thanks. I can't swim too." "I'll teach you. Come on."

As much as I wanted too, Sam and I should go back right now. We have imposed too much on the Morgans already and I have been having this familiar aching feeling at the base of tummy since I woke up this morning. "Chris. I think Sam and I need to go now. We still need to get settled in at Chloe's apartment." "Can't you both stay a little longer? Look at Sam. He's just starting to get the hang of it. Smart kid." "Hey Winnie! D.O here said he's going to teach me how to swim tomorrow morning. Isn't that great? Woohoo!" I turned around and saw Chris smiling and he winked at me. Oh no.....

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