Chapter 9

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          I stood for quite some time observing Mr Grey Eyed Fish at the corner of the cafe's glass window. He came 10 minutes early. A good trait in a man. There were quite a number of ladies from nearby offices having their coffees in there too. Most of them are watching him or should I say ogling him. Grey Eyed Fish didn't even look at them but kept on looking at his mobile phone. I don't know why I prefer to call him Grey Eyed Fish rather than his proper name. Am I weird or maybe I'm just not used to his name yet. Walking into the cafe, he looked up at the sound of the door bell. A brilliant smile lit up his face and I also noticed speculating looks from his admirers of who I am to him. Their eyes that looked from the top of my hair to the tip of my toes.

          Moving towards him with a smile on my face, "Hi again Gre...Adrian." Yikes! Almost made a blunder there. I should start thinking of him as Adrian. Not a fish. "You're early." Standing up tall, "I'm glad you made it and thank you for coming. I haven't ordered anything yet as I was waiting for you. Please have a seat." As I sat down, I noticed again that some of those speculating eyes have become fiery eyes. Betsy, the cafe's owner herself came to our table. My guess is that she's curious about Gre...Adrian too. Giving us the menus, "Hi Winnie. I'm surprised to see you here right now. What will you and your friend have?" "Betsy. I'll have a cup of cappuccino and a slice of cheesecake." "I will have the same. Thanks." Flashing Betsy his smile, she almost dropped her notebook. Scurrying back into the kitchen, I think I will see Betsy coming to the flower shop early tomorrow morning.

          Heaving a sigh, I noticed that Adrian has been observing me. "What?" "That was quite a heavy sigh. Worried about something?" "Something about tomorrow. Betsy likes you. Very much. I have never seen her flustered like that." Attempting to look horrified, "Oh no. Should I move out tonight?" He's funny. Chuckling, "So Adrian. You know what I do so what do you for a living?" "Nothing exciting. I'm into investments. My parents came to visit me hence my purchase of flowers this morning. It's like I'm fated to meet you today." Fate? I'm not sure about fate. There were too many bad things that have happened to me in the past. What's passed stays in the past. No point reminiscing about all of the bad memories. I'm here to chat with Adrian.

         "Here are your orders." Betsy avoided looking at me but concentrated on putting down our orders on the table. Adrian was telling me new things he discovered about this city that I didn't notice any happenings outside the cafe window. I only realised someone was standing behind me when Adrian was looking at someone behind me and the patrons in the café have gone quiet. "Chris?" Gulping, I stopped myself from turning around to look at this Chris. It can't be the same Chris. "I'm surprised to see you here. How was the negotiation?" There was a long pause. "It was a success." That voice! It's him. "I'm more surprised to see you having coffee in this part of the city."

          Turning around slowly, I looked up at his handsome face. I realized then that I had already fallen in love with him as that same warm and fuzzy feelings came back strong. I slowly stood up looking into his eyes, not able to say anything. "I didn't expect that you will back so soon. You should have told me." "Not soon enough. If I were to come back a day later, I'm afraid what's supposed to be mine, will be taken by someone else." Did I hear that right? I wouldn't dare to hope that he was referring to me? I can't stop myself from looking into his eyes. All of a sudden his head swooped down and he kissed me. I heard a distant "Hey" from Adrian but it didn't matter. Chris' kiss is like water on a wilted flower. Wet but with a hint of hunger.

         "Chris. You know Winnie?" Chris slowly pulled away from me. Looking at Adrian,"I think it's obvious enough that I know her. We even went to the same high school." Heaving a sigh, Adrian mumbled, "There goes my chance." Turning to the two black suited men standing near us, "Guys...Let's have a coffee break here." "Yes Sir." "Winnie. Can you please sit inside?" I just did as he asked. My mind has turned into mush with that kiss from Chris. In a soft voice, "Winnie...I missed you and I hope that expression of yours means you missed me too." He does? Chuckling, Chris said, "Yes I do." "I said that out loud again?" "Yes you did." "You didn't look for me at all for two whole weeks." "I flew out to Europe that night after I had the charity dinner with my family. You didn't call my number and I waited two weeks for your call. Did you know how stressful it was for me? I worked like crazy to get back here as quickly as possible. It would have been better if you had a mobile phone." "Guys. Hello.....I'm still here and do you know it's very rude to be treated like I don't exist." Adrian didn't look angry or annoyed but he seems to be enjoying the unfolding scenes in front of him. There's even a mischievous grin on his face.

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