Chapter 15

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I know it's already morning but I just don't want to open my eyes just yet. I felt a little too warm so I tried to lift the blanket away from my body but I couldn't. I opened my eyes and saw two beautiful blue orbs near my face that belongs to my gorgeous and handsome boyfriend. "Good morning." "Good morning. How long have you been up?" "A while. I like watching you sleep. Come on. We're going out on our first date today." I tried to get up and I felt the soreness down there. Flashes of last night's activity filled my thoughts and I felt my face getting warm. "You're blushing? What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Chris helped me to pull away the blanket from us and he's stark naked in broad daylight? "What? It's not like you didn't see my best buddy last night. Do you want a closer look?" Grinning like a little boy, he laid back down on the bed. I ran into the bathroom but not before I heard him chuckling.

Thinking about last night, I can't believe I had been so bold. I feel weird right now but it's not regret. How can I regret having my first time with a gorgeous boyfriend that loves me. He made me feel pleasures that I didn't know I could have. I'm glad that I had my first time with Chris.  He's so gentle and caring when he bathe me. Am I wrong to want him? What were those explosive pleasure at the end? That final part totally surprised me because I never knew that it's possible for my body to feel that way. Remembering his expression when he shook and grunted tells me he was feeling an immense pleasure as well. I can't deny I love to hearing him groaning his pleasures with that deep voice of his. I can feel my face is getting warm and my core is sort of twisting in need of him inside again? Is it supposed to be like this? To want his hands on my body and need him again so soon?

 I can feel my face is getting warm and my core is sort of twisting in need of him inside again? Is it supposed to be like this? To want his hands on my body and need him again so soon?

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Looking around his luxurious bathroom, I felt that weird feeling of being so out of place again. Maybe I'm just not used to a bathroom that's bigger than Chloe's living room. Using his shower foam, I now smell just like him. Chuckling, I love it. I love his smell whenever he hugs me. When I came out from the bathroom, Chris wasn't in the room so I put on my clothes and made the bed. I decided to explore the mansion.


I guess I will need lots of cold showers after last night. She probably needs a few days to heal. Even that little teasing just now made me rock hard and wanting again. With thoughts of her moaning as I stroked my shaft faster, I finally grunted and came after succumbing to body shaking orgasm. As I showered, should I tell her about this? Although it's quite normal for a man to always desire his girlfriend, I should probably tell her about this sometime in the future. Her being new to sexual experiences, I might scare her off.

When I went back into my room, she wasn't there but her bag is still there. Now where did she go? Taking out my mobile, I sent a text to my men about Winnie's presence in the mansion. I don't want them to scare her. She could be in the kitchen and I'm sure Arnold will be so happy to have a guest around. As I neared my kitchen, I heard her voice and she's laughing about something. Good. She met Arnold.

"Good morning Arnold. I see you met my girlfriend." Arnold had this look that says, 'As if I didn't know.' "Morning boss. You're looking very happy and glowing right now. I was thinking of maybe adding lobsters in my grocery list." Lobsters? I'm sure the guest room is soundproof. Looking at his teasing wide grin, "Whatever makes you happy in my kitchen, Arnold. Go ahead." "Why lobsters?" Winnie asked. "Oh... The idea just popped up in my mind. Now I'll excuse myself so the two of you can enjoy your breakfast together. If you need more food, I will be in the pantry," and winked at me. I know Arnold long enough to know his current line of thoughts.

I just finished drinking a glass of juice when Winnie asked, "So where are you taking me today?" "Our first stop will be at the nearest mall. You will need a dress for tonight." "Why do I need a dress for tonight? Where are we going?" "I think it was two months ago, a business associate of mine asked me to come to his restaurant's opening ceremony which is tonight. I was reluctant to go when he asked me because he wanted me to bring a date. Now that I have you as my girlfriend, I might as well bring you with me." She looked down to her hands before saying, "Will there be lots of people?" Does she have something against crowds? "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure because I seldom attend functions like tonight's. Don't worry. I will not let you out of my sight." "Alright but I don't know how to dress up." "Don't you worry. I will take you to a special boutique owned by my sister in law, Abby. You will definitely like her and I know she will take a good care of you." "Abby is Timothy's wife, isn't she?" "Yes. She's fun and witty. I'm sure the two of you will be good friends." "Abby? I can't wait to meet her."

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