Chapter 4

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He will be the death of me! He is so gorgeous! I can't believe we used to go to the same school and I didn't even noticed him then! Aww...He's so nice too. No! No. I shouldn't have any hopes about him. He's way out of my league. Way out. However, I'm so glad he's not like those proud rich people. His eyes.....uuhh.... I can drown on those blue eyes of his. I also feel like I'm beginning to be addicted to that deep voice of his. The way he says my name with that deep voice of his gives me a warm feeling in my chest. Why does he remembers a nobody like me? I'm sure all the boys back then stayed away from me.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, all I see is a woman with a round face with no model worthy features. Maybe he's just one of those people with a good memory. I like his mother though. Kathy reminds me of mom. I knew Sam's attachment to Kathy is because she has that look of a loving mother figure. All of a sudden I felt tears run down my cheeks. I miss you so much mom. I know it has been a long time since you've gone but I still miss you very much. I can't seem to stop my tears. It's like a floodgate inside of me had suddenly burst open.

I suddenly heard a soft knock on the bathroom door. "In a minute." I wiped my tears with a tissue and opened the bathroom door. There stood Kathy holding some clothes in her arms. "Oh my dear. What's wrong? Your eyes are all red. Why have you been crying? Come here and sit down with me on the bed." "I'm... I'm sorry Kathy. There's no need to worry. This is embarrassing. I guess being kicked out today has taken it's toll on me." Looking at her worried face, another bout of tears spilled down my cheeks again. She pulled me into a hug. "There there now it's okay my dear. I'm here. Look at me. Whatever it is, we'll slowly talk about it." "I..." sniff sniff "you... you reminded me so much of my mom and I just misses her so much. She died years ago." I felt Kathy's hand stopped stroking my back and then continued again. "Oh Winnie my dear. Well there's nothing like a good hug or a good cry to make all the bad feelings go away. There there. Cry all you want my dear," and I cried. I must have soaked Kathy's blouse but it felt so good in Kathy's arms.


Woah..... I slowly closed the door. My heart felt heavy seeing Winnie crying. So.....her mom had already passed away. I know mom's comforting and warm hug is like nothing else in this world but I wished I was the one comforting Winnie. I don't know how long mom stayed with her but I know Winnie is safe in my mom's arms. With that thought, I slept with a beautiful dream of a smiling Winnie that night.

The next morning, as I knocked on Winnie's door, there was no answer from inside. Is she still sleeping? I opened the door slowly and noticed that she's still sleeping. Closing the door again, I went downstairs to our morning room for breakfast. Mom and dad was already there with a smiling Sam. "Morning Sam. Did you sleep well buddy?" "Yeah. I never slept in a king size bed before so I slept like a king." Everyone laughed. "Your sister is still sleeping. I think she's tired so we'll just let her sleep in." We all talked about Sam's school and all the sports that he had joined. "Sam. Do you want to join me to our gym after breakfast?" "You have a gym here?! Yeah I would love to." "Maybe after a few tries at the gym, we'll go swimming. Do you know how to swim Sam?" "No. I never had the chance to learn. Can you teach me?" "Sure why not?" "Chris. Can I ask you a question?" "Sure Sam." "Do you have a girlfriend?"

The orange juice that I was drinking suddenly went in the wrong way and I coughed all over my plate. Wiping myself, this kid is full of surprises. Sam is laughing at me but I see a twinkling of something in his eyes. Ah ha...So...a smart kid. "Samuel Brown. That's very rude." I turned around to see Winnie standing at door. "Good morning Winnie and it's okay. Sam.. I'm still single. There's no girlfriend." I saw that same twinkling in Sam's eyes. Mom and Dad are laughing now. I think we all know where this question is going. Before he embarrasses Winnie more, "Sam. Let's go buddy. It's gym time. Winnie. Enjoy your breakfast. We'll be down the hall to the left. You're welcome to join us." "Winnie is single too!!!" Sam shouted before running away from a red faced Winnie. So.....Winnie can blush. She looks so cute in red too. Good. Very good.

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