Chapter 26

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Are we moving our relationship too fast? No. I will not let other people's standards, bad experiences or my unlucky past with Steven to influence me. Chris is a better man. Everyone had different experiences or circumstances. Everyone is different. Some think too much or need a lot of communications with each other, or maybe needs a long time to decide whether they are going to be good together. I have never expected much out of anyone since high school. The more you expect out of anyone, then the more disappointment you will feel. It crushingly hurts.

Moving in with a man? I always thought that is actually just an excuse for lots of sex rather than getting to know each other so I was never agreeable with the idea. So what's the difference between my moving in with Chris compared to other people? We're bound to make love again. Thinking about making love with Chris had my toes curling. Stop! It's not just sex with Chris. The big difference is Chris wants to marry me. He also wants to protect me from Steven. Marriage? I always thought that maybe someday I will eventually settle down with someone. A trustworthy man. I never once expected to be married to a super rich Mr. Christian Morgan!

Chris had already taken measurements of my ring finger. I may not be an unmarried woman anymore by the end of this year! Should I feel bad there wasn't even a romantic proposal? Ah... My dear brain. Stop thinking! We have to sleep. It's almost 2 a.m.

I woke up at nine and surprisingly, I felt wonderful. No tiredness or headaches. I spent almost the whole morning packing up my few belongings and Sam's from Chloe's apartment. There are currently two mean looking bodyguards sitting in our back room downstairs. I think one of them is called Justin. Despite looking like assassins or gangsters, they are polite and quiet. I prefer the previous set of bodyguards. They were much more friendly to us. Both Chloe and I felt a little awkward at first but as customers came and went, we hardly noticed them.

Chloe didn't say anything negative about my decision to move in with Chris. I'm glad that she's very supportive of our future living arrangements.

Chris will be coming in five minutes and he insisted on personally picking up my things. There wasn't any customer so I decided to get my things ready for easy pick up by Chris. I was stacking some of my boxed belongings and my favourite umbrella near the shop's door when I sensed that someone was standing behind me. Someone with a bad vibe. Making my body ready for any attacks, I stepped forward and straightened up before turning around. Not him again.

"Hi Winnie." "Don't expect me to believe that this is coincidental." He grinned to me and run his hands through his hair. "Winnie... I care about you and I want to make sure you are doing okay. You uh... You own this place?" "No." "Oh um... I thought this place is yours. Tsk Tsk Tsk... Doing manual work isn't good for you. Look. What do you say if we start over again and I'm sure we will have fun together." "Not interested." "Oh come on. Are you expecting Mr Christian Morgan to come back for you? Are you sure you're not a one time thing?" He had this disgusting expression on his face when he said 'one time thing.'

"No." Upon hearing my answer, Steven's expression turned sour. "You're not making this easy for me. I am asking you nicely." "Then why don't you be 'nice' and leave me alone? I did say no twice." "Nobody says no to me. Especially not twice from a nobody like you. You just don't know how good I can be to you. You know... You always have talked too much. Come here." He was about to grab my hand but I swiftly avoided him. "Winnie..." he warned me. "Stop this nonsense. Now be a good girl and come with me. My car is here." Steven pointed to a silver car parked in front of us. I gave him a hard look and said, "No." He put his hand into his back pocket and drew out a flip knife?! I can't believe this guy. Okay... The real Steven has finally appeared and he wants to play rough, doesn't he.

I grabbed my umbrella and stood ready for Steven's attack. "Hah! Umbrella?! Do you really think that flimsy thing can protect you? I will cut it into pie..." I knocked his flip knife from his hand even before he finished talking. The look on his face was priceless. "Oops..." He gave out an ugly snarl before he moved towards me. I was anticipating either a punch or slap from him. Whichever he wanted to throw at me was already a mistake as I quickly moved to the left, pulled his attacking arm to the front with my right hand and gave him a hard knuckle punch on his right ribs with my left fist. "Aarhh..." Wasting no time, I twisted his right arm to his back and kicked the back of his left knee. "You bitch!! Let me go!" "As you wish," and I gave him a hard push to the ground.

I heard someone clapping hands behind me and it turns out to be one of our bodyguards. "Very nicely done." Moving towards me, "Are you alright Miss Winnie?" "Yes I'm okay Justin." "Let me handle him." "Aww... Winnie. A new boyfriend? Are you that lame that you can only land an ugly one?" and he tried to stand up. "Hey... That's not a very nice thing to say to a sweet lady but then again... you deserve to be beaten up by her just now. Beaten up by a girl. Oh... You poor thing." "Shut up!! I'm going report this to the police and get you all behind bars."

"I think you will be behind bars instead of us. I will make sure it's a very long stay for you. On charges of attempted murder." Chris... I forgot about him. I turned around and saw his smiling face. Running towards him, Chris put his arm around me and hugged me tight. "Are you okay?" I just nodded and smiled my answer as I was so happy to see Chris. "Wait. You're still with Morgan? How about Mr Ugly here?" "Justin works for me and he's her bodyguard. Men. Take him away to the police." "You've got nothing against me!" Chris winked at Steven before saying, "You will be surprised."

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