Chapter 18

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After our walk around his mom's garden, Chris and I went back to his mansion. Will he want to do it with me again tonight? Should I ask Chris to send me back to Chloe's apartment? Will I hurt his feelings if I did? Oh what to do... I'm hopeless. What to do... I suddenly felt Chris' thumb pulling back my bottom lips from my teeth. "You're going to have bloody lips if you keep biting your lips like that."

Cupping my face with his hands, "Winnie... My sweet Winnie... Will you sleep with me on my bed tonight? No making love. Just sleeping. I won't force you to do anything you're not ready to do. Please... Stay?" I truly can't say no to those earnest blue eyes of his. "Alright Chris." Giving me his killer smile and tucking a stray strand of my hair behind my left ear, "Now can you put away that worried look and smile?" Looking at him, I thought what did I ever do to have him in my life right now. He suddenly had this big grin on his face. "What?" "I love hearing your thoughts very much. They're so refreshing." I did? I can feel my face warming up. "I spoke out loud again?" "Yes." As I covered my face out of embarrassment, I felt his arms going around me. "Winnie... That is one of the things about you that fascinates me and I hope you won't ever stop doing it. I am truly fortunate to have met you again and have you in my life. After all these years, I thought I would never see you again," and he kissed me tenderly.

After waking up from a restful sleep with Chris last night, Chris took me to a local theme park for our second date. It's like a dream spending wonderful time with him. I love watching him being genuinely happy and laughing out loud. Just being an ordinary person. Nobody would have guessed who he is unless somebody recognised his handsome face.

I wonder where his bodyguards are. I knew they will always follow us wherever we go as Chris once told me before. Did Chris ask them to leave? "Chris. How come I don't see your bodyguards?" "Oh they are following us but I already instructed them to be discreet. They are professionals so that is why you can't easily see them around. I was worried that you might not get used to them." "It's okay. I was just curious." "Let's go find a place to sit and rest."

As we sat down under a big tree near a small pond, "Winnie. I've been wanting to ask you about something and I hope you wouldn't get angry with me." Oh my... He looks so serious. "What is it?" He took a moment to look at me. "May I ask why you suddenly stopped going to our school?" Thinking back to those dreaded and sad days, "Dad fell at work. He had a massive stroke and doctors couldn't save him. Mom couldn't bear to stay in our house anymore as she didn't want to be constantly reminded of my dad's sudden death. She loved my dad so much that all the memories they had together in our old home was too painful for her. Mom sold our house to settle our house loan and we moved to a smaller place near an aunt of mine. Mom never really recovered from dad's death because I had always heard her crying in the middle of the night. She worked hard trying to forget and also to put food on our table. I can't bear to see her working so hard so I started to work right after I graduated high school. One day mom got really sick and she never recovered."

I didn't realised a tear fell from my eyes not until I felt Chris' thumb wiping it away for me. Smiling a wobly smile at him, I bent down my head. Chris put his arms around me and hugged me tight. "Shh... It's all in the past. I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through all those pain and hardships. Right now... What's important right now is that you grew up to be a good person and I'm sure Sam will to because you are with him. To guide him. Both of you have me and my family. We love both of you very much." Looking into those beautiful blue eyes of his, I suddenly realised that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Chris. Will he want the same thing? Should I hope and wish that he does? No. It's too early and I shouldn't think too far ahead. We have just started dating! I read somewhere that many things can happen in a year and many more in five years.

"What five years?" Oh no! Did I say things out loud again? From which part of my thoughts did he hear? That would be so embarrassing. I covered my face as I can feel my face is warming up. "What is many more in five years?" Thank goodness! Forcing a grin, "Um... Things. There will be more things to happen in five years." At first he had this serious expression on his face but I caught him smiling before turning his head away to throw a rock in the pond. Did he hear more? Yikes!

The sun is almost setting when Chris said, "Winnie. Why don't we call it a day. Perhaps we can have a dinner somewhere before I send you back to Chloe's apartment?" "I would love that. Thank you Chris."

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