Chapter 11

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Finally! I know I surprised everyone at London office by leaving immediately after the contract signing ceremony but I just can't wait to see her again. My mobile suddenly received a text. JB?

JB: Ms Brown sat wit A Collins at corner cafe near flower shop. Table near window.

Christian: Keep me posted!

JB: Yes Sir

Adrian? She knows Adrian? How is that possible? He just came back from Australia. Why is she meeting up with him? Is she in trouble? "Connor. Go straight to the corner cafe near the flower shop. There's no time to change clothes. Drive faster." "I will try my best Sir. Traffic is more heavier today than usual." Damn!

I saw them even before Connor stopped the car right in front of the cafe. Winnie seems to be happy. She's laughing to whatever Adrian is talking about. Not good. I have a bad feeling about this.


Why is she looking at him so much? "Winnie." "Hm...." "Can I follow you back to the flower shop? Eventhough you already gave your permission for Sam to stay over at my parent's house, I still need to tell Sam about it." "Sure why not. That's thoughtful of you." "What time do you get off from work tonight? I can pick you up." "Chris. You don't have to." She doesn't know how beautiful she look right now. Those lips are making me crazy. That first kiss with her is like a drug. I missed her so much. Looking into her hazel eyes, "Because I want to. I'm serious when I said I want to spend more time with you." "Why?" "Because I'm attracted to you. Can we start being together by going on dates and I want you to be my girlfriend." She's looking at me like I had gone crazy. "Seriously?! We've only been talking with each other for about two days." "I am serious. My decisions have always been either yes or no. I have already thought about this." You can't imagine how many years I had wanted you to be mine.

She turned her face away from me but I caught her hiding a smile followed by a pink blush. It's a yes! I felt a ton of weight being lifted from my chest and there's a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest right now. Winnie kept her head down looking at our intertwined hands when she finally nodded and said, "Okay." Shy? I have no problem about that. In fact I like her being shy.

The café was strangely getting more crowded with women so I decided it was time that we leave. Paying a sad looking Betsy, we walked fast to the flower shop. It seems Chloe had already left as the shop door was already locked. Winnie was about to press her numbers for the door lock when the door was suddenly pulled opened from inside. "Chris! I'm so happy to see you again." Sam looked down at our intertwined hands and that familiar twinkling eyes looked at me. Sam laughed and tried to man hug me. "Yes! I knew it. You two are together now." Laughing at him, I clapped his shoulders. I missed this kid too. The smart kid with the twinkling eyes. "Sam. My parents said they misses you and so does the king size bed. How about spending this weekend with them? Winnie already agreed." "Really?!" "Yes Sam." Jumping around like a five year old boy, he looked so happy.

"I have to go now. I came straight from the airport and I have some things to do at my office. Winnie... Um... Where's that taekwando class you're working at?" She took a card from a desk and gave it to me. "There it is. I finish at 9 pm." "Good. I will be there." Squeezing her fingers a little and smiling at Winnie, I left them. If Sam wasn't there, I would have kissed her again.

Christian: Prpare a new mobile 4 Winnie. Get it equipped.

JB: Yes Sir.


Sam didn't say much to me after Chris left but there was always that knowing grin on his face. Little brat. He is up to something. Preparing a simple dinner for tonight, I kept thinking about that kiss with Chris. I can't believe I fell in love with him so soon and became his girlfriend. My toes and fingers curled at the thought of being his girlfriend. Am I being too hasty? Hm... "You should hum some songs. It goes with happy mood you're having right now." "Sam! How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack and I could have cut myself." "Sorry sis. I was observing what you were doing before I talked so I knew you wouldn't hurt yourself." "I sometimes think you're too mature for your age." Grinning, Sam helped me to prepare dinner. "Um... You know you can come back late or maybe come back tomorrow if you want." "Sam!" Laughing, he avoided a playful punch from me. "I'm sure you two have lots to talk about but I'm sure he knows what to do." There's that grin again.

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