Chapter 23

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I had a brief introduction to Timothy and he was extremely nice to me. "Abby and Chris told me so much about you. I'm glad to finally meet you. Taekwando huh? Nice. I think we are going to be good friends." Chuckling, "I'm happy to meet you as well Timothy." He had the same amazing blue eyes like Chris and very handsome. I'm so happy for Abby. I can see that they love each other very much. They look so good together.

Kathy took us to a small restaurant for lunch. Looking at our small group, I have two friends that I love for a very long time and Kathy... I already have a special place for her in my heart. We ate, laughed and talked about many things. I felt so happy because this feels so right.

In the middle of our luncheon, "Hello again Winnie." Oh no. What is with this guy?! Why is he doing this? Damn! I'm starting to have this creepy feeling that it's not coincidence at all with him appearing twice uninvited. Everyone at our table were looking up at him with obvious questions about his relationship to me. His eyes... My goodness. Is that lust I see in those eyes of his?! This is definitely not good at all.

"What is it Steven?" "Winnie. I'm sorry about the other night? Maybe I was a little drunk. Will you forgive me? Hm...? Well uh... Is this a family reunion? You never mentioned about your beautiful family before." His eyes were roving all over Abby and Chloe. Chloe squirmed uncomfortablely in her seat and turned to look somewhere else. It's a different story with Kathy and Abby. Both of them seem to have fires in their eyes.

"I have not forgotten about all the bad things that happened between us in the past so don't expect me to socialise with you right now or anytime in the future." I can't believe I was calm and unaffected when I said those words to him.

"Oh come on Winnie. As far as I remembered, I didn't do anything wrong to you. You were... How do I say this? A little cold. Yeah... Something like that. Right. If you don't want to be friends with me now, maybe you will warm up to me soon," and winked at me. What the... Did he eat a wrong medication this morning? Had to be if he thinks he's the hottest guy in the world?

"Winnie. You're not going to introduce me to your beautiful companions here? How could you? Never mind. Hi ladies," and he winked again. What did I ever see in this guy? "I'm Steven Price. Single and handsome." He just finished talking when two big men in black suits appeared on his sides. "Mister. We need you to follow us quietly or we will not hesitate to use force," one of them spoke calmly. Steven looked at both of them from the top of their heads to the tip of their leather shoes. "Who are you people? Jeez... What gives you the right to tell me what to do? This is a public place and I didn't do anything wrong. Go away and leave me alone."

"Now..." Kathy said in a slow and clear voice, "that you have mentioned the magic words yourself, then you... leave us alone." She didn't even blink her eyes. Her fingers are tapping the table slowly as she took her time to talk. Wait a minute. Chris did the same thing with his fingers back at the corner cafe when he was asking Grey Eyed Fish. He got that from his mom?

"Men, you may proceed." Steven stared at Kathy before saying, "Who are you?" Kathy didn't bother to look at Steven or answer his question as the two men in black pulled him away. "Hey! Get your stupid hands off me. Are you deaf?!" The commotion had attracted the interests of the customers in the restaurant but nobody came forward. However, their eyes are now busy with speculations and curiosity of our identities.

"Everyone... I'm sorry about that. He was... a mistake." Abby looked at me long and hard before she pulled me for a hug. "Are you alright Winnie?" "It was over a long time ago and thankfully it didn't last long." Chloe held my hand and said, "I'm glad that you're okay. How did the bodyguards know? Who called them in? I thought I last saw them standing guard outside this restaurant." "I did." The three of us looked at Kathy. She was looking down at her glass and there's a smile on her face. I can't help but admire her as I remembered how she dealt with Steven. "Wow that was so cool Kathy. The way you spoke to him was so cool."

It was Kathy's turn to hold my hands and said, "That awful man is bad news the moment I saw his eyes. I had to call in the guys." Kathy then held Chloe's hand too and said, "Winnie. Chloe. I'm sure Christian and Jared would have arranged men to guard both of you by now so please don't get angry with them. You can never know or expect the type of threats that we may encounter as Morgans. Please try to understand and try to get used to them. It's just a precaution. Winnie... I know you and Christian have just started dating but I had already considered you as a Morgan."

I can feel my face flushing red at Kathy's words. Me a Morgan? To be a Morgan is to be married to Chris. Marriage? Funny I didn't think about marriage when I thought about spending my life with Chris. Chuckling to my special kind of stupid, I noticed that the three of them have this wide grin on their faces. "What?" Kathy chuckled and said, "Christian wasn't kidding when he told me that you sometimes say your thoughts out loud." Abby and Chloe said together, "She does that," and everyone laughed. I was initially worried that Steven had already ruined our lunch but now, I'm glad our happy camaraderie is still going on strong.


Seeing the three of my girls reminiscing excitedly about something from their past, I took the opportunity to send a short text to Christian.

Kathy: A man named Steven came 2 disturb us. Winnie's ex? Our men hv removed him.

Chris: 🤯😠🤬👍 He almost ruined our 1st date.

Kathy: 😱😠 We go home soon.

Chris: 👌😘😘😘

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