Chapter 14

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Gazing into her eyes, I slowly pulled the tip of the her towel knot. My guess was right when I first hugged her. She is always hiding a pair of heavy  treasure in her oversized big clothes. Not too big but just right for me. My eyes feasts upon a pair of beautiful round firm breasts with perked up nipples, evidence of her desire for me. My shaft is already twitching and straining inside my sweatpant. Her eyes went wide and her left hand covered her mouth when I took off my clothes. Her right hand is pointing at my rigid shaft, "That... Are they supposed to grow that big?" Chuckling, "They? Winnie... Not for every man but some do. Don't worry about my best buddy here and I will try my best to be gentle." Nibbling her lower lips, I molded her breast and squeezed the pair softly together. I guess she liked it as she closed her eyes. Kissing her jaw and down to her neck, I love how she smells with my soap. Delicious. I put my head in between her round mounds and kissed her soft skin there. I opened my mouth and sucked in a mouthful of her right nipple hungrily while I continued to mold her left breast. I know she likes it as she is starting to moan.

I slid my right hand down to cup her core and gently rubbed her sensitive nub there. She is already wet for me. Good. She opened her thighs and lifted her hips to give my hand more access. Maintaining my hand on her core, I continued to suck her nipples, kissed her soft stomach and slowly moved down to her thighs. Looking at her core for the first time, she's so beautiful but it will be a tight squeeze for me. When I first kissed her core, she lifted her head up to look at me with a surprised expression on her face. Chuckling, I think she wasn't expecting me to use my mouth to touch her there. When I first licked her core, her eyes grew bigger maybe realising how good it felt. I kissed, licked and sucked her wet core while molding her breast. She is moaning and shaking a little with this new found pleasure that I'm giving her. I'm not going to let her come so soon. The best is yet to come my love.

I put my shaft on her core opening and rubbed it there. Her legs kept pulling me in. I slowly pushed in my shaft into her tight core until I reached her virgin strip. Looking into her eyes, I pushed in swiftly and she cried. She tried to push me away from her so I stopped. I noticed tears in her eyes. "Winnie. I'm sorry I had to hurt you. Shh... This pain should only happen on your first time. I promise you will feel better soon." I waited for her to adjust to my size before pushing in my shaft some more. Wiping her tears and kissing her forehead, I began to move slowly in and out of her. My thrusts picked up speed when she started to hug me tight and moaned again. The room is now filled with our pantings, moans and groans. Even the bed is shaking. She tried to hug me even more tighter as her breaths are getting faster and her core is also squeezing in around my shaft signalling her coming. When she finally screamed my name, I thrusts her harder and faster. I grunted and powerful waves of orgasm rocked me as I filled her core with my seeds. Groaning my pleasure, I grinded into her more until the waves were gone. Wow! That was... That was amazing.

After a few minutes, I kissed her forehead and I pulled out my shaft slowly from her core. My seeds mixed with her juice are dripping from my shaft and oozing out from her core. There was blood on the bedsheet. Our first time together was so amazing and I'm so happy to be her first. Scooping her up bridal style to the bathroom, "Winnie. Let's get cleaned up."

Winnie had a look of surprise on her face when she was touching her tender flesh. "No wonder it's so painful." "What? Let me see." I made her sit on the edge of the bathtub and open wide her thighs. My best buddy sure made a entry. There is a tear that's looks painful. Hissing her pain, "Chris. It hurts." "I'm so sorry my love. Let me take care of you." We took a shower together and I tried to clean her core as gently as I could.

Kissing her forehead, "Winnie I'm truly sorry. It will get better soon. I promise." "I know it's too late to ask this but why weren't you wearing any protection. I might get pregnant." "No you won't. I already did my calculations when I was taking off my clothes." "Calculations? How could you know about these things?" "My mom taught me and you had your first day of period on the day I left for Europe." She had this incredulous look on face which makes her look cute.

After putting on our bathrobes, I carried her to my bedroom. "Chris. I might feel sore but I can still walk." Giving her a quick kiss, "Baby just let me take care of you. You're precious to me." Putting her on my bed, "I'll go get your bag now and you try to get some sleep. I need to take care of the other bed. We made quite a mess there and I don't want to give heart attacks to my maids," and I winked at her. I just about to turn when both of my feet decided to hug each other and I fell hard on the floor. Scrambling up and smiling sheepishly, "You did not see that." I heard her laugh as I was about to close my bedroom door.

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