Chapter 24

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I sat down on the bed beside Winnie and put my arms around her. My beautiful Winnie. I haven't seen her for only a few hours but it felt so long with this ex of hers appearing twice unexpected. The creep reminds of the guy that stalked Abby months ago. I have to know what happened between them because I can't stop having this bad feeling about him. I just hope she won't get upset with me.

"Winnie..." "Hm..." "Is it okay if you tell me why you broke up with Steven?" I felt Winnie stiffen her body. "I uh... You don't have to tell me anything if you're not ready or if you don't want to." Winnie gently moved back to look into my eyes. Perhaps whatever she saw made her sighed deeply and looked down at her intertwined fingers. "When I first met Steven, he was sweet and being the naive girl I was back then, I instantly fell in love with him." She shooked her head and sighed again. "A wolf in disguise and I was the Little Red Riding Hood." She stood up and walked slowly towards the window.

Winnie looked outside for quite some time before continuing, "Before we went for our third dinner date, he took me back to his apartment on the pretext that he forgot to bring his wallet. His act was flawless. Little did I know that he had planned to have sex with me before going out for our date. If... there was even a date. That day he kissed me on my lips for the very first time but later on, his hands and mouth got too rough for my liking. He pleaded with me to give myself to him but I didn't relent because the things he was doing to me felt so wrong. It suddenly felt so... yucky? Well that's what I felt at that time. Anyway... When he realised I wasn't giving in, he got angry with me and suddenly bit the flesh right above my left breast out of anger. I then surprised him by shoving him down hard to the floor. Thank goodness I had worn a thicker blouse. Otherwise, I would have bled."

I didn't know I had unknowingly grasped on the bed comforter tightly not until I felt Winnie's hands tried to disentangle my fingers. "Chris? Chris..." "Huh?" "He broke my heart a long time ago. I am okay now." Well I'm not okay. After hearing what that loser did to Winnie, I have this raging fire burning up inside of me that can only be put down by punching his stupid face. That slimy piece of shit did that to my girl! "I left Steven's apartment right after shoving him and blocked his number. I was fortunate to have met Chloe the next day and we moved closer to the flower shop. I never saw or heard from him since then up until when both of us met him again at your friend's restaurant."

I put my hand on her cheek and gently stroke her soft skin. "Thank you Winnie. Thank you for being the strong and brave person you were back then and now. Thank you for opening up to me. I know you are a capable woman and you can take care of yourself but because I love you, I want to... I need to protect and care for you too. You're my girl and you are precious to me."

Suddenly tears were running down from her eyes. Did I make her cry? No... Am I in trouble? Damn! I shouldn't have asked her! How to do this? Should I hug her? I never had a crying girlfriend before. I gently swipe her tears away with both of my shaky thumbs. "Winnie?" She chuckled and said, "Oh you look so cute with that worried look on your face. Chris... These are not tears of sadness but tears of joy. I'm so glad that I have you in my life right now." Phew... I felt a weight lifted from my chest. Cute? Me? "I not cute." "Is that a pout? Uh... You are so adorable." Now I'm adorable? Heaving a sigh, I just smiled. Anything for Winnie.

Looking down at her luscious lips, I think I will have to remind her in the next few days that she's sitting in front of a hot blooded man. Her man. I kissed her forehead, the tip of nose and finally her lips. Tasting her, I swiped my tongue across her lips and she opened her mouth for me. Mm... Dropping light kisses on her jaw, I slowly kissed my way down to her neck. Mm... She smells so wonderful. I guess her neck is her favourite spot because I can hear her heartbeat going faster. Good. Shifting so that I sat behind her, I continued to kiss her neck while my hands slid inside her blouse to undo her bra. Cupping my favourite twin globes, I massage them slowly with firm moves. Her breath is going faster and her hands are in my hair.

"Now am I cute and adorable?" "Mm... Yes you are." Chuckling, "Oh... In that case, I'm going to make sure you will plead with this cute and adorable me to bring you up into cloud nine in the next few days. I will make sure you will be screaming my name out of pure hot pleasure and maybe you wouldn't be able to walk properly the next morning." She playfully swatted my hand that's on her right breast and hid her blushing face behind her hands. Aw... Now who's cute and adorable? Giving her breasts a last squeeze, I stood up and kissed her. "Go to sleep my love. I'll see you in the morning." "Night Chris."

Back into my room, I took out my phone and dialled J.B's number. I hope Anthony and J.B managed to find out something about that loser. It's about time I put an end to that creep's so called bumping to each other.

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