Chapter 3

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          Heading home, I can't wait for Jared and Chloe to come. I decided to welcome them before coming in the house. When I heard their car arrived, I went outside to greet them. What I didn't expect was seeing a face that I have been missing for a very long time. Winnie.

          I just can't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes. Am I seeing things? No. She's real. Winnie! How is she connected with Chloe? Are they related? They have the same hazel eyes. Wow!..... She's even more beautiful than I can remember. More beautiful than nine years ago. I know I'm staring but I just can't help myself. She's smiling and I have never seen her smile. Such a beautiful and infectious smile as I find myself smiling at her when I shook her hand. 

          "Christian. This is Winnie and her brother Sam." "Hi Winnie. Hi Sam. Hi again Chloe." Winnie only looked once into my eyes and looked down. "Hi Christian." Was that a blush on her cheeks? "Come on in guys." I let them move ahead. I took this chance to take a good look at Chloe from the top of her head to her shoes. Really looking at her as a man, and not as a 15 year old boy anymore.
          She's not wearing anything sexy but I felt the stirring of that familiar warmth. Not good. This is bad. I shouldn't have thoughts like that about her. Not towards sweet Winnie. The question is..... Is she still the same sweet Winnie? No! I have no right to assume anything about her. I don't see any wedding ring on her finger but what if she's already with someone? That thought doesn't sit well with me. I'm going crazy! "Christian!" Huh? I looked up and realised that it was  mom that called my name. Her brows are scrunched up together. What? What did I do? Mom moved closer to me and whispered, "Quit staring." "Oh."

          At the dinner table, I sat across from Winnie and next to Sam. I ate on auto pilot. I don't even remember what I ate. Sam kept talking to mom so I kept quiet. It seems Sam likes mom a lot. Winnie only talked when either of them asks her something and she seems to be enjoying her food. Maybe she's just shy. She said she is currently staying at Chloe's apartment with Sam. I'm a little relieved that she's not married yet. Winnie also works for Chloe as an assistant in the flower shop. Hm.....I wonder what had happened to her. No. I will not judge her.

          Mom looked at Jared and said, "Jared. Timothy had arranged for us to attend a charity dinner at our hotel tomorrow night. Our table will be exclusively for us and both of you are to arrive late to avoid all the unnecessary pre-dinner socializing." "Sure mom. Sounds like a good idea. What do you think Chloe? Please come with me." "I would love to Jared." "Well that's settled and come at 7:30 pm."

          Turning her attention towards Winnie and Sam, mom said, "It's getting late and why don't you both stay here for the night? Please..... Sam. You reminds me a lot of my boys when they were around your age. I miss those years. Christian. You stay too." Huh? "Oh Kathy. We don't want to impose anymore on you and Charles. We didn't bring any change of clothes with us." "That's alright. I will arrange about the clothes. Please stay." Winnie was just about to open her mouth to reply but Sam, "We'll stay. Thank you Kathy." Mom laughed and hugged Sam. "Come with me and I will show you your room Sam. Christian. Can you please show Winnie the white room? Thank you dear."

          I think I felt happy and worried at the same time. Stay cool Chris. Smiling at Winnie, "Follow me. I hope you don't mind about my mom." "Sam likes your mom and she likes him so I think it's okay." Reaching the door of the white room, I went in to switch on the lights for Winnie. "Oh my...This room is so beautiful. Are you sure it's okay for me to use this room?" "Of course. This room is for our guests. Make yourself at home. Winnie...can we talk for a while?" "Yes sure." I quickly closed the door.

          "Winnie. Are you sure you haven't seen me before today?" "I'm very sure. Why?" "Actually.... We both went to the same high school before." "You've got to be kidding me! Why would you go to the same ordinary school like mine if your family is beyond rich?" goes. "I remember Jennifer and friends." She instantly look straight into my eyes. I saw something in her eyes. Was it anger or disappointment? She sat on the couch near the window and looked outside.

          "Winnie. I never liked those group. Me and brothers never liked them even one bit." She turned around with a surprised expression on her face and said, "You didn't?" "Yes we didn't. We were happy that they left school." "Oh. Everyone was talking about it back then. Can I..can I ask you something?" She nervous? "Sure." "How come I don't remember you or Jared? With your um...being super rich, I'm sure you guys would have been in the popular group. Everyone in school knows who's who is that group." "The three of us kept low for security reasons. My eldest brother Tim were almost kidnapped when he was 5 years old. My parents took it very seriously so that's why nobody knows about us being uh....super rich. You don't have to be awkward with us." Her brows are scrunged up together and I can see she's processing this right now. "Okay I'm uh...I'll leave you to rest now. If you need anything, my door is just opposite yours. Goodnight Winnie." Smiling at me, Winnie said, "Goodnight Christian." "You can call me Chris." "Okay Chris. Night."

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