Chapter 13

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Finally it's a Friday. I had already sent an excited Sam to mom's this afternoon. I told Winnie to pack some clothes for herself too but she doesn't know that she's not going to be staying with my parents. I hope she wouldn't disconnect my head when she realized this later. I have four men hidden somewhere near me, with instructions to catch those two mysterious guys since Monday night. I wish I had a good look on their faces.

I have decided to tell Winnie how I feel about her tonight. As Winnie buckled herself in my jeep, it's now or never. "Winnie. I have a confession to make." Looking into her eyes, I held her hands. "Let me guess. You starving again, right?" Huh? "No. Ha ha ha. Uh.. It's... I uh... I had been in love with you ever since high school. I had a secret crush on you since then." Winnie is now slack jawed with big round eyes. "You've got to be kidding me! Since high school?" Scratching my nape and smiling sheepishly, "Yes." She playfully hit my arm and said, "Oh... Why didn't you tell me then? You should have." Stroking her hands, "I tried to talk to you for so many times but I always chickened out. You don't know how I scolded myself for being a wimp." "Oh Chris. You wouldn't have been like that if you didn't have a crush on me. Thank you Chris." "Thank me for what?" "For loving me." She's so precious. Looking at her lips, I gave her a soft peck to show how precious she is to me but my desire overtook all my self control. I only stopped when Winnie pulled away. "Sorry about that. I've got carried away."

Winnie didn't say anything when she saw that we are going to a different junction from my parent's. Maybe she forgot the way. When I stopped my jeep in front of my gate, Winnie sat upright instantly. "I thought you were going to buy a late night snack somewhere. Where are we?" Grinning at her and hoping she won't get angry. "My home. My girlfriend should at least know where I live so here we are." There's a small "O" from Winnie and she didn't disagree. After I parked my jeep at my front door, Winnie said, "Do you live alone in this mansion?" "Yes. My staff stays at their quarters slightly further down from here. Come on."

I led Winnie to my living room and she just stood there

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I led Winnie to my living room and she just stood there. "Chris. Sometimes it creeps me out of how rich you are." "Huh?" "Sorry. That came out wrong, right? It's just that I have this weird feeling right now." Putting my hands on her shoulders, "Should I tone down the decorations?" She chuckled. "No you don't have to do that. There's nothing wrong with your living room. It's so beautiful." Gazing into her eyes, "Winnie. Please stay with me for the weekend. I already told Sam that you wouldn't be staying at my parent's house together with him but I didn't tell him that I wanted you to stay here. Please." I can see her gulping. Is she scared of me? Cupping her face, "I wouldn't force you to do anything you don't want. Please." "Okay," and she blushed. "Come. I will show you your room." I led Winnie upstairs to a guest room opposite mine. Opening the bathroom door, "You can take a shower here and I'm going to get your bag from my jeep right now. Maybe we can chat after your shower. Take all the time you want." Giving her a soft peck on her lips, I closed the bedroom door.

Getting her bag didn't take much time so I decided to take a shower too. That should give her some time alone. Knocking on her door, I slowly opened a crack. "Winnie? Can I come in? I have your bag here." It was quiet inside. Did she sleep inside the bathroom? Chuckling, I went inside. I'll just leave her bag near the bed. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Winnie stepped out in a towel. I turned my back on her. I remembered there are shower robes in this guest room. I don't want to think why she didn't wear one. "I uh... I'll just put down your bag and leave." "Don't go." "Winnie?" "Can you... Can you stay?"

I slowly turned around to face Winnie. She just don't know what she's doing to me right now. Gulping at her soft request, "Winnie... Are you sure about this?" When she answered yes, I took a deep breath. "Winnie. I do want to make love to you but I'm not rushing you. You don't have to feel that you have to do this tonight." She is blushing red and she looked down at her feet when she said, "I want you now." Now my self control just flew out the window. I hugged her gently and said, "I... You can't imagine how much. No. Make that how many years that I wanted this to happen. I may... I may not be able to contain myself. Are you really sure about this?" "I have never done this before so I don't know what to do or say." "Winnie. I love you very much." I kissed her and coaxed her mouth to open for me. I want to show her how much I love her.

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