Chapter 8

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"Please don't tell Chloe. She's like a sister to me and I think she will freak out if she knew what job I was doing at night." "Why? There's nothing wrong with being a taekwando instructor. I think it's awesome. I would never have expected this from you Winnie." "Chloe doesn't want me to do two jobs. She said I might wear myself out." "I won't tell her. You can trust me. If Tim knew about this, he would have asked you to work for him but of course I wouldn't allow him to." "Who's Tim?" "Timothy. My eldest brother. I think I told you about him." Smiling sheepishly, "Sorry I forgot." "Anyway. All his security staff and household staff must know some sort of self defense. One of his maid was once a army karate instructor." Wow. "Yeah. Um.....Why don't you freshen up because dinner will be ready in 15 minutes." "Alright."

The food on the dinner table definitely are mouthwatering on normal days but nothing is going to look delicious for me on this next few days. I suddenly wanted something milky and sweet. I just ate a little but lots of creamy pumpkin soup. Christian kept looking at me and of course he noticed I'm being quiet. I then excused myself for an early bedtime. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I wasn't sure whether I was dreaming or not but I thought I felt something soft and warm on my forehead and on my left cheek. The next morning, Kathy told me that their driver will send both Sam and I home after lunch. Christian left before we woke up after receiving a call last night.


It's 11 pm and I can't sleep. I haven't seen or heard from him for two weeks. Let's face it. Why would he look for me. Lately the same questions kept popping up in my mind. Why do I think so much about him? I have long forgotten about that worthless Steven. I never have any thoughts about not wanting to be in love again. Why should I? I only live once. I will just avoid short fused guys. Why do I even think about how tall he is or how wide his shoulders are or how smooth his handsome face is? Uh.....That face. Hitting my forehead, how could I missed such a handsome face in high school when he noticed me then! Idiot! Blame it on those bullies. I had wondered on few occasions about them. What happened to them? I have long forgotten about my hatred for them as I grew up.

I didn't know what time that I finally closed my eyes but I almost didn't leave my bed when my alarm sounded this morning. After Sam left for school, I opened the flower shop as usual. Our supplier had already delivered our flowers and Chloe will be coming in soon. The shop door bell chimed. I looked up and saw a tall man coming in. A very handsome customer. Good. Handsome men should come here more often. "Good morning Sir. How can I help you?" Smiling grey eyes looked down at me. "Yes. I need a bouquet for my mom. It's her birthday today." "Is she allergic to any flower and what's her favourite colour?" There is a puzzled look on his handsome face. "I don't remember her having any allergies for any specific flower and she likes purple and pink."

"Why don't you have a seat Sir while I prepare your bouquet." I never went to any flower design courses but I like to watch videos of flower arrangements available on YouTube. I can feel he is watching me but I just concentrated on his bouquet and didn't look at him. "Here is your bouquet Sir and I hope your mom will love it." While taking his money, he didn't immediately let go of it making me look up at him. "I have just moved to this city so currently I don't have any friends here. May I be bold to say that I would like for you to be my first friend." Should I? "Maybe we can have coffee together at the corner cafe later this afternoon. I hope a familiar and nearby place for you is a start? My name is Adrian Collins." Should I? "I don't know....." "Come on. We will just chat, drink coffee and maybe eat something?"

Sighing, I don't see why not. Rather than moping around hoping for a certain someone to remember about me? "Alright. How about 4 pm?" "4pm? No problem. I will wait for you at cafe then?" "Right." "I'll see you later um...haha...I think you forgot to tell me your name." "Oops sorry. I'm Winnie Brown." Smiling grey eyes looking at me in that happy face of his. "Thank you Winnie. See you later. Bye." Waving his hand at me, he then left.

Hands on my chest, I didn't have the same warm feeling that I had with Chris. Why did he suddenly pop up in my mind? Wake up Winnie. Chris is way out of your league. There are lots of fishes in the sea and I'm going to meet up a grey eyed fish later. Giggling to that thought, I went through my work. Soon after, Chloe arrived.

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