Chapter 2

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                   A MONTH LATER


          I dread going to school. This morning, I forced myself to eat a piece of toast with just a swipe of peanut butter as I just don't have the appetite for food. Mom was still sleeping when I left for school. I guess she's tired out after a restless night taking care of a feverish Sam. Dad already left for work. Well..... Today is another day and I only have one life. Right! I took a deep breath and climbed the stairs to the school's main door with heavy steps. I avoided clusters of students and always be on a look out for that dreaded group. As I reached my locker, I finally noticed that everyone is whispering to each other and nobody even bothered to look at me. That's strange. Did something happen?


          Jennifer was the first one to leave our school. In the next few weeks, the rest of her 'friends' gradually left too. It became the talk of the school for months. Tim was surprised too but he didn't give much attention to it. Jennifer and some of her 'friends' are crazy about him so I think he's happy with them out of his hair. Jared is also happy with them leaving because those losers kept bothering his friends too. Winnie looked a little relaxed but she still had that 'leave me alone' attitude of hers. Was she traumatised? Has all the bullying taken it's toll on her? I truly hoped not. I tried to approach her a few times but every time, her last words about hating stopped me. I wasn't sure that was just a one time outburst? I'm such a coward. I bet she never even noticed me.

               TWO MONTHS LATER

          Winnie didn't come to school for more than a week. Neither of her parents works for us so it's impossible that either of them were transferred too. Is she sick? I followed her home once before so one afternoon, I decided to go to her house and it looked like it was unoccupied for quite a while. There's even a For Sale sign on the front yard. They moved?! I was devastated. I never felt so lost and so angry with myself. I wish I had talked to her. I went to her neighbour's but nobody seems to know anything. Winnie had disappeared. I slumped down to the ground. I felt this heavy lump in my heart and tears ran down my cheeks. Winnie..... Where are you?


                SEVEN YEARS LATER

          "Aw! You bit me?!" Pushing him away with all my strength, Steven fell down hard to the floor. I looked inside my blouse and thankfully there's no blood on my flesh right above my left breast. "Why?!" "Because I'm angry that you didn't listen to me." A sudden intense pain exploded in my chest more painful than the one I'm feeling on my skin. Is this what a broken heart felt like? I also felt this great disappointment and regret for loving this guy. Taking my bag, I left his apartment without even looking back. There's nothing here that can make me stay.


                 TWO YEARS LATER

          Another day..... Standing up, I heaved a sigh. So Jared had finally decided to bring Chloe home. Hm... this is something I wouldn't want to miss. After sending my reply in our family's group chat, I received a new text from my head security.

D. O: Ms Lily going up now

Christian: 👌

          I picked up my phone and told my P.A to just let her in. I pressed a button on my desk to change all my windows to opaque. I soon heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in." She came in with a big smile on her face. Her long soft black hair bouncing as she walked to stand beside me. "Chris honey." She went down on her knees and put her hands on my thighs. "I was hoping we can go to this new place just a few blocks from here...tonight. What do you think?" I just look at her face and shook my head. "Talk to me Chris. Look I'm sorry for whatever I have done but I need you." Yeah right. You need my money and name the most. "Lily. I told you before and my answer is still the same." She smiled and moved her hands up my thighs trying to reach for my sleeping shaft but I stopped her hands. "I'm willing to give you anything right now and.... I'm not wearing any underwear so.... Honey..... I had already locked the door. Nobody is going to bother us." She stood up and sat on my desk facing me. She opened her thighs and hiked up her tight skirt a bit. The lengths they willing to do.

          I stood up and with a cold voice, "I suggest you get down from my desk right now and leave my office before I call my men." "Chris. I thought we had something going. Why are you like this?" I pressed another two buttons under the table which she didn't noticed. "When did I ever give you the idea that there was something?" My side door opened and three of my men came in. A look of surprised and anger exchanged on Lily's face. "Yes Mr Morgan Sir?" "You will regret this Chris. I will see to it!" "Can you repeat that again? What exactly are you capable of doing to me?" "You! Uuhh...! You'll pay for this! Mark my words!" "Pay? Pay you for what?" "Oh I will find some help to handle you good. Don't you forget!" "Let me see...You want me to pay you and then get someone to handle me. Sounds like a business deal. Hmm..." "Aahh...I will have them kill you!" Good enough. Pressing another button on my desk and pointed to my CCTV camera above my desk. Lily's face paled. "If anything were to happen to me, you know what will happen to you Lily. Guys. Take her out of this building now. Thanks."

          JB, my P.A asked, "Is there anything else Sir?" "Get the cleaners to clean my desk at once. Postpone my 2 pm and 4 pm meeting to Monday. I'm taking the afternoon off. Is my dad still in his office?" "Yes he is Sir." "See you Monday JB." "Have a nice weekend Sir." Nodding at Johnson my dad's P.A, I knocked on Dad's door. I hear a faint come in and I poked my head in like I used to when I was kid. "Ready to go home dad?" Dad looked up surprised for a moment and looked at his watch. "I'm glad you came or your mom will cook me tonight? Coming." Smiling at Johnson, "See you Monday Johnson." "Enjoy your weekend Sir."

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