Chapter 19

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A week had passed and there's no new outcome of Winnie's stalkers. Have they given up or did I spooked them off and they decided to lay low for now? Did Winnie made an enemy with someone or do they want kidnap Winnie? The last question is possible as she an easy target with working at night and going back alone. The same questions kept popping up in my mind.

I had this strong hunch that something may happen tonight so I had arranged with my bodyguards to come 40 minutes earlier than usual and parked our jeeps slightly further down the street. Fortunately there's a bushy tree near the gym entrance so I climbed up, made myself comfortable and waited. I suddenly realised that I haven't climbed a tree in years. The things that I'm willing to do for Winnie. Haha... Setting my mobile phone to silent, I kept it ready in my hand. If any passers-by noticed me up here, it would be very very awkward.

My team are scattered around somewhere. Around 20 minutes later, I heard and saw a brown metallic car stopped near the curb. After about five minutes later, two men in black clothes came out from the car and walked fast towards the same dark alley. Yes! I was right about tonight. This is it. I sent out my signal to my team and waited.

One of the black clothed men ran out from that dark alley towards me. Good. Today is your unlucky day pal. I jumped down from the tree with my legs aiming at his shoulders and he fell hard on the ground with me on top of him. Gravity and my weight should have made a very painful impact on him. As the poor guy was groaning in pain, I moved him so he was facing down on the ground. I took out some cable ties and tied his wrists behind his back. I tied his ankles next.

"I've been waiting for you two and I think your friend will be joining you soon. Now it will be wise to cooperate with my men once I hand you over to them." He kept quiet and still. Hm... A person who had been wrongfully accused or mistreated will surely be shouting out loud and be angry by now. So..... These guys did have bad intentions. My men soon came back with the other guy. "Bring both of them to the head quarters. You all know what to do." There were looks of horror on the two guy's faces and I had to look away before they saw me smiling. Better to let them think the worst of us so we can easily get our answers. Struggling to keep my face cool, "I'll brief big boss about this. Keep me updated." My bodyguards have this 'huh' look on their faces when I said 'big boss' but I just kept myself cool. They knew I never call Tim big boss. "Yes Sir!" Turning myself away to hide my smile, I walked towards the gym entrance to wait for Winnie.

When Winnie finally came out and saw me, she had this big grin on her face. "Hello beautiful. You look extra happy. What's up?" She cocked her a bit to the side and lifted her hand towards my hair. I stooped down a bit and let her do what she wanted. "Is this a new hairdo you wanted to try out? Or could it be the boredom of waiting for me these past two weeks have finally taken it's toll on you that you decided to play hide and seek into some bushes?" Bushes? Laughing, Winnie showed me a small leaf and some tiny twigs she took from my hair. Her grin was then replaced by a worried look. "Wait a second." Winnie went around me and said, "There's... There's some dirt on your jeans. What happened to you? Did you fall somewhere? Are you hurt?"

Fall? Chuckling to that word, "Yeah I fell but fortunately I fell down on a soft place." Winnie helped me to dust off the dirt on me. Smiling to Winnie, "Ready?" Winnie nodded. "My mom is anxious to see you again. I bet she's waiting up for you at home." "Home," and she smiled. I love hearing her thoughts. I have been having this nagging urge to ask her to move in with me since she blurted out about wanting to spend the rest of her life with me last Sunday. I was more than thrilled to hear it. Maybe I will ask her some other time. I was about to start up my jeep after sending a quick text to Tim when my phone rang.

Jared: "Lil Bro. Just tellin' you that two men will be stationed at the flower shop on rotation. They'll be sitting inside and out of the sight in the shop. I already picked the ugly ones. Haha... So... How's things between you and Winnie?"

Christian: "Oh we're both happy. Say... Ugly ones? Aren't you being a little overboard about picking the ugly ones? I mean... Is that really necessary? I'm sure Chloe will always think you're the most gorgeous man in the whole world."

Jared: "Yeah yeah you say that now but I will see how it goes for you. Good night Lil Bro."

Christian: "Night Jared."

"What about picking the ugly ones?" Looking at Winnie, "Jared arranged two guys to guard discreetly inside the flower shop. They are the ugly ones." The confused look on her face is priceless.

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