Chapter 30

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The next day, we told our family and to an ecstatic Sam about our engagement. He kept hugging and telling me that I have just made the best decision in the whole world. When he's not hugging me, there's that familiar twinkling in his eyes. Jared and Chloe are getting married in two weeks so we decided to get married a month later. Both Jared and I already felt guilty giving our parents a big headache with our weddings. Mom didn't show it but I think she's secretly excited about our marriage. I always caught her smiling when she's looking outside the window.

The four of us had already registered our marriage at our local registrar and we are now legally husbands and wives. Most people think that a couple is considered married after kissing the bride. They don't know about the paperwork where in most jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is an official statement that two people are married. That settled, the wedding ceremonies are next. Winnie is going to be Chloe's maid of honour and I'm going to be Jared's best man.

JB: Lily & Steven indicted this morning.

Christian: Gud job. Going 2 Tim's office with Winnie now.

JB: Yes Sir

That's good news and it's about time. Parking my car at Morgan Securities parking lot, I need to meet up with Peter. He's the Head Of Morgan Securities and Tim's second man. "Come on Winnie. They're waiting for us." "I still don't understand why you need me to come." Giving Winnie a quick peck on forehead, "I think it's a good idea for all of our security personnels to know who and who are the latest addition to the Morgan's family."

When we have just exited the Tim's private elevator, I saw Tim in blue jeans and a white T-shirt just outside his office door. "Tim? You're not working today. Regular dude again?" Tim smiled and winked at us. "I heard you were coming so I decided to come too. I'm sorry Winnie that I can't give you a private tour around the building today because my staff have never seen me without my suit on. I uh... I have to keep the feared big boss image." Hearing his corny excuse, I can't help laughing at Tim.

After introducing Winnie to all our security staffs, the three of us went down to the lobby using one of the office elevators. Tim wasn't kidding when he said he needed to keep that big boss image because he kept his baseball cap low on his face. He sat down on one of the lobby sofas and hid his face behind a magazine. Chuckling at his otherwise unnecessary act, we went to the reception office to make sure all the reception staffs recognises Winnie. Winnie then excused herself as I was arranging for an VIP card for her and went outside the office maybe to wait with Tim.


I was in the middle of the lobby when I heard, "I can't believe this! You again!" Oh no... Not her. "What are you doing here? No don't tell me. You're here for the job interview, aren't you? Hah! Honey... You better go back to wherever you came from. To that ugly guy. Yeah that's right. Now be a good girl and shoo... You don't stand a chance getting this job not with me around. Just look at yourself." Her head moved up and down over my body. "Tsk tsk tsk... My goodness. From what hole did you come out from? You're not even dressed for an interview." "That's because she's not here for an interview." Timothy? He is standing right beside me. I totally forgotten about him. "You latched on to a new guy? Phew... Not surprising."

Tapping her shoes, "Well now. He's definitely a very yummy one but..." Once again her head moved up and down Timothy's body and a sneer appeared on her face. "He looks like a bum." Timothy smiled and winked at me. Her snard remarks didn't faze him? Cool.

A sneering smile widen on her made up face. "Oh I get it. You used Chris Morgan for this job, didn't you? Otherwise it would be impossible for you to qualify even for an interview. You're a conniving little bitch, aren't you? You think I'm scared of your boyfriend here. Hah!" "That's enough!" We all turned towards an angry bespectacled man. Who is he? More people stopped walking to observe us. Another man came rushing towards the angry man and stuttered, "Sir. I recall she came in earlier for an interview. Marketing department Sir." A horrid look appeared on her face when she heard the other man referred to the angry man as Sir. A fake smile appeared on her face before she said, "My apologies Sir. We had a little misunderstanding from a previous meet up. Maybe the interview unsettled my emotions a bit so I lost it a little when I saw her. Once again, my apologies Sir. I was just reminding her," her manicured finger pointed at me and Timothy, "that her outfit and being accompanied by a suspicious person for an interview here is totally unacceptable." I felt a hand slide into my left hand before I heard a familiar voice, "Are you the suspicious person, Tim?" Timothy grinned wide. The angry man and the other man in turn had horrified looks on their faces when they both looked closely at Timothy.

"Chris... Why are you holding her hand? She came here with this bum. She's just using you." The bitch had a proud smile on her face and sneered at me. The angry man stepped closer to the bitch and said in a menacing way, "For your information, you have just mocked the Morgans. This man that you referred to as a bum," the angry man lowered his voice when he said the word bum, "is our big boss Mr Timothy Morgan." Her jaw dropped and her face paled. "And this conniving little bitch," again he lowered his voice when he said the word bitch, "is Winnie Morgan. You better apologise and who are you?!"

The other man stuttered, "This is Linda Williams Sir. I was in charge of the interviews." Pulling out a fake smile again, "Chris. I apologise for my mistakes." Chris stood straight and said in a cold tone, "Miss Williams. I'm Mr Morgan to you. Only 'family' calls me Chris." "Sorry Sir." Facing Timothy, "Mr Morgan. I'm sorry." Finally facing me, there's a quizzical look on her face before she said, "I'm sorry Miss Morgan."

Timothy moved closer to the angry man and said, "Anthony. It's alright. I believe the assistant manager's post at North Wind had been vacant for far too long. Send her there." Chris smiled and the man called Anthony was wide eyed before smiling and said, "I will personally arrange it as soon as possible boss. Miss Williams. Congratulations. Please come tomorrow at 10 a.m for your job contract." "An assistant manager?! Thank you Mr Morgan Sir. Thank you." She left the lobby hurriedly with a very happy expression on her face. Wow. She forgot about me.

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