Chapter 28

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There was a black sports car a little further away from the grand entrance of the mall

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There was a black sports car a little further away from the grand entrance of the mall. I can't recognise the make but the car looks powerful and very... expensive. Pushing his thumb on the door handle, I heard the doors unlocked and Chris opened the car door for me. Once Chris climb inside beside me, I decided to say, "My dear?" Chris turned around and grinned at me. "You don't like me to call you my dear?" "I prefer if you call me by my name. Not my dear, honey, darling, baby or whatever." Chris leaned towards my left ear. Hot breath coming from his mouth when he whispered, "I can't promise you I won't when I'm rocking deep inside of you," and pecked my ear. That was... That was so spontaneous and I felt a tingling sensation on my ear. I know my face is burning up right now.

Clearing my throat, "Mm... Why did you... Why did you ask her if she had been trained in any self defense?" Chuckling, Chris kissed my hot cheeks and said, "I didn't want her to know your name. That's why I never said your name to them. I also didn't want to give her a chance to cause a scene as we were in a public place. Maybe a few recognises my face but I don't want more people to recognise who we are. If she knew you were trained in Taekwando, she may use that against you. The CCTV footage will be our backup if she tries anything dirty." "How can you be sure that Justin will be able to get the footage?" "It will not be the first time for him. He's a professional so he knows what to do. Winnie... Are you uh... sure you're okay?" "I'm okay Chris. It was nothing." He gazed into my eyes and squeezed my hand. "I'm proud that you handled her well. Now let's go home."

Home. It sounded strange but somehow it makes my heart warm with yearning. As we were moving out from the mall area, I saw two sedan cars following us out. "They're all my men." "How many?" "Eight because we're in a public place and will be more if we are tomorrow's hot news. These men can easily blend into the crowd so you probably didn't notice them when you were shopping." They were following me the whole time?

Chris never stopped smiling all the way to his house. I can't help thinking that he's up to something. When we got inside his house, something is a little different. It was too quiet. Maybe seeing the puzzled look on my face, "I've given the night off for every in house staff and I have something special for you. Come on. Follow me." Chris winked at me and offered his hand.

Chris led me towards the back of the house and there I saw a small table with two chairs under strings of fairy lights

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Chris led me towards the back of the house and there I saw a small table with two chairs under strings of fairy lights. Moving closer to the table, every single thing around us looks so beautiful. The flowers, the food and... the smiling handsome man in front of me. Holding both of my hands and with a serious expression on his face, "I cannot deny the woman that I love this special moment." Bending down on his left knee and opening a small velvet box with the most beautiful ring that I have ever seen, "My beautiful Winnie. Will you marry me?" A sob almost came out from my mouth. What?! I didn't... I didn't expect this to happen tonight! I know we did talk about spending our lives together but...

"Yes!" Chris grinned and helped me to put on my engagement ring

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"Yes!" Chris grinned and helped me to put on my engagement ring. A perfect fit. Chris stood up and gave me a bear hug. Moving back a little with a sheepish smile on his face, "I uh... Actually... I bought two engagement rings just in case you don't like this one. The other one is inside my left pocket. You can wear both if you want." He bought two?! Laughing, "Chris... I will still marry you even if it's just a plain band of gold ring." Chris laughed and said, "Thank you Winnie. You have just made my dream come true." Chris then gave me a long tender kiss as if he savouring every corner of my mouth. The food that we had was marvelous and we talked about how to break the news to everyone.

Walking upstairs, Chris led me to his bedroom. "I put your boxes inside that closet," Chris pointed to a door on the right from the bathroom door, "and you can take your time to unpack later. I thought that maybe you may not like the maids to touch your personal belongings." Sliding his arms around my waist, "Well now my dearest fiancé. Do you want to shower first or do you want to shower together?" Together? Probably noticing my blush, he grinned and pulled me towards the bathroom. "It will be my pleasure to bathe you. Let me show you how much I love you and... how much I need you." Chris whispered those last few words into my ear and goosebumps appeared on my skin. My heart did a somersault and my core fluttered. A very strong flutter.

Chris peeled my clothes slowly one by one without looking at me. He did the same way with his clothes. I just can't stop myself from looking at his beautifully sculptured body and especially on his shaft. A lopsided smile appeared on his face but Chris still didn't look into my eyes. He massaged my hair with shampoo and lathered soap all over my body. Chris scrubbed my skin gently and gave my shoulders a massage. There was nothing sexual in his touch but nevertheless, his gentle touch had already ignited a fire in me. I decided to do the same for him and Chris just closed his eyes. He seems to be enjoying my touch. When I gently put my soapy fingers around his shaft, "Winnie... Move your fingers up and down my shaft." When I did, his shaft became harder and longer. I still can't believe my core is able to accept his big sized shaft. Chris groaned out with pleasure. "Yeah... Faster and don't stop." Soon his groans are getting louder and I just love it. His deep throated groans sounds so sexy and my core keeps fluttering even more stronger. "Faster Winnie. It's coming." I just moved up twice and Chris twitched his hips a bit before grunting. His warm juices spurted out onto the floor. "Now it's your turn."

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