Chapter 12

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Parking near the front door, I decided to sit and wait in my jeep. I'm 10 minutes early. The surrounding area is badly lit and I have a bad feeling about it right now. The car that my bodyguards used are parked just across the street. People are beginning to come out through the front door. I guess her class finished early today. I saw Winnie talking to a few guys. Maybe they are her students but it still doesn't well with me. I just stepped out from my jeep when I saw two other men were watching us from a corner. When they noticed me, they disappeared into the dark alley. Shit! I knew my hunches have never failed me. Something is definitely wrong and I don't like it. Keeping myself cool, I smiled as Winnie came closer to me.

"You're early. Tired?" "Yes a little. Maybe you should keep your distance from me." Wrinkling her nose, Winnie whispered, "I might smell. I haven't taken a shower yet." "There's no shower stall in that place?" "I always wanted to go home earlier so I only showers at home. That's why I told you not to pick me up." "You only smell of sweat. I don't mind. Come let's go." Holding her hand, I helped Winnie climb up my jeep. Taking a swift glance at that dark corner, I climbed up my jeep and locked all the doors. "Winnie. I have two gifts for you and you're not allowed to refuse." I gave her the box with a mobile inside first.

She open the box gingerly and said, "A phone?" "Yes. Now you don't have any reason not to call me." "Chris..." "No. Don't say it. It's yours and it's ready to be used. Now this is my second gift for you and it's a little special. Close your eyes." When she hesitated, "Please Winnie." "Alright," and she closed her eyes. Taking out the necklace from the small box. I put it around her neck and clasped it. "Now open your eyes."

"Oh my goodness

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"Oh my's's so beautiful. I can't..." "Shh.....A gift for my beautiful girlfriend." I started the engine, "I'm a little hungry so can we drop by a drive through?" "You haven't taken your dinner yet?" "I had a lot to take care of since I was away for two weeks so I only had time for a sandwich." Driving to a chinese restaurant that I saw with a drive thru, I ordered three packs of chicken chow mein. "You ordered three? That's not a little hungry. That's starving," Winnie laughed. Chuckling at her words, "The other two packs are for you and Sam." "For us?" "I planned to eat together with you both. More merrier. They don't cook noodles like in the East but I'll make do with this westernised chicken chow mein. Now let me send you home."

Sam was surprised that we came back. Was he hoping that we didn't? He was about to say something when he suddenly noticed the takeaway packs."You brought food. Yes!" We ate together and I knew Winnie liked my choice of food but she kept quiet about it.

"Well I better be going. Winnie. Can you send me off?" "Sure." "Nite Sam." "Nite Chris." We just stepped out from the shop's front door when I put my arm around her waist and kissed her. I have been thinking about her juicy lips ever since our first kiss this afternoon. I wanted to slide in my tongue but out of the corner of my eyes, I caught a glimpse of Sam secretly watching us behind a corner wall with this knowing smile on his face. Ah...well. Maybe tomorrow night.

"Winnie. Please let me pick you up after work from today onwards." She was about to protest but, "I wouldn't take no for an answer because that's the only time I get to be with you." Cocking her head to one side and with a sigh, "Alright Chris. Thank you." "There's no need to thank me. I want to do this for you." Giving her a quick kiss, "Go on inside and lock the door. Goodnight Winnie." "Nite Chris."

Chris: Arrange 24 hrs discreet protection 4 Winnie starting 12 am later. Need 2 men on rotation.

D.O: Yes Sir.

That being done, I think I slept with a smile on my face.


I can't sleep. Is this how it supposed to feel? I have never felt this happy before and my stupid nipples keep perking up whenever he stands so close to me. Switching on the light, I looked at my new necklace. It's so beautiful. Thankfully the necklace is slightly longer so I will be able to hide the pendant underneath my blouses. My first gifts from Chris. It's a giddy feeling. I opened the box for my new mobile phone. It looks expensive. After going through it, I finally saw a message from Chris.

Chris: 😘

Chuckling, well that's cute. I'll have to find a cute one to reply. I think I slept while choosing a 🙈 or a 👅.

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