Chapter 22

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I woke up at 9 a.m. I never woke up that late unless I was sick. Kathy was right. It came. No wonder I felt so tired yesterday. Stepping under a hot shower, I can't help but smile when I remembered about my wonderful dream of Chris last night. Is he here or did he go back to his own house?

I decided to knock on his door before going down to the kitchen. I knocked again and pressed my ear on his door. He's not in? I didn't go in to check because it didn't feel right doing that. Oh well. Maybe he went back to his house. Kathy was alone in the morning room and she seems to have finished having her breakfast. There was an empty glass on the table and a plate with some left overs. Sam?

Giving me a genuine smile, "Good morning Winnie. How are you feeling this morning my dear?" "You were right Kathy. It came." Stroking my shoulder, "Well now. Have a seat and I'll get a mug of warm milk for you." Pointing towards stainless steel food trays on a side table near us, "There are some warm food there. Go on and help yourself my dear. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

Kathy looks so happy.  Chuckling, "Sam woke early this morning. Something about catching up with D.O." Clasping her hands together, "Oh Winnie... I'm so glad Abby and Chloe are able to join us for lunch today." "They are coming? That's wonderful." "Yes it is." Her eyes are shining with pure excitement. "Like a ladies day out. Yeah that's it. What do you think?" Chuckling at Kathy, "I think we're going to have fun." Kathy laughed and stood up. "Enjoy your breakfast Winnie. I'm need to tend to my new seedlings in the garden. I'll meet you in the living room half an hour before 12 p.m. so take your time. You can just leave everything on the table when you are done."

I'm happy Kathy is so nice to me. I ate my breakfast as fast as I could and washed the dishes. I want to find out what is Sam up to.

Sam wasn't at the gym or at the pool. Hm... Where is he? I walked outside through the pool's rear door and I saw Chris doing push ups on the ground. He's here?! I stood glued at the same spot unable to speak or take my eyes away from him. Chris didn't have any shirt on and his muscles are rippling like waves with every push he makes. His push up movements suddenly reminded me of our first night together and I started to have the same feelings twisting down there. Oh my... I can feel my blush creeping up to my face. He saw me and stopped with a puzzled look on his face. Can he guess what went through my mind? My face is probably so red right now that's it going to explode.

Chris stood up, dusted his hands and walked to me with a grin on his face. My throat felt dry looking at his sweaty torso. "Good morning Winnie," and he gave me a soft peck on my cheek. "Morning." Even my voice came out weirdly out of tune. "Why are you blushing?" I think Chris had an inkling of what I was thinking because he had this knowing grin on his face. Chuckling, "Sam went for a run with D.O and they won't be back so soon. Let me take a shower first and maybe we'll go find him. Come with me?" He took me to his bedroom.

As I waited for Chris to shower, I sat on his bed. His room is decorated in warm gold and there wasn't much of his personal belongings here. There are two beautiful paintings of a river and a mountain on his wall. Is he into paintings? I stood up for a closer look at the paintings and I noticed both had C.M initials at the bottom right corner of the paintings. Hm... Those initials are supposed to be the painter's signature, right? I didn't know how long I stood there admiring the paintings not until I felt two strong arms circled my waist from behind. "Mm... You smell so good. I missed you," and he gave me a soft kiss on my neck. "You like them?" "Yes. They're beautiful. I think I wouldn't get tired admiring these paintings. Who's the artist?" His finger pointed to the initials, "Me." "Yours? No way! This is unbelievable. Do you still paint?" "Not for a very long time."

When Chris turned me around, I noticed he only had a towel low on his hips. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and hugged me tighter. I rested my face on his bare muscled shoulder. His chest felt so warm and he smells good too. Chuckling, "Winnie. Your heart is racing." Chris moved to look down into my eyes. "I know you want me and I want you too. Very much but..." Chris chuckled again and said, "I just don't feel right making love to my girlfriend under my parent's roof."

"My period came this morning." Chris scrunched his brows and hugged me again. "It's okay Winnie and I'm not rushing you. I can wait until you are ready. I will not force you to do anything you don't want." Caressing his left cheek with my palm, "Thank you Chris."

The bedroom door suddenly swung opened by a blond haired guy at the same time Chris' towel dropped to the floor. A smirk slowly crept up his handsome face and he chuckled. "I uh... Oops? Wrong room? I'll be in the kitchen little bro. Take your uh... time." His hand pressed the door knob to lock and closed the door. I assume he is Timothy Morgan and that was a very awkward way of meeting him for the first time. Chris gave out a very heavy sigh. "He's going to rub this to my face for a very long time."

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