Chapter 21

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After I drove out from my parent's, my mobile rang. It's Tim. Should be about my voice message to him earlier.

Christian: "Tim."

Timothy: "Chris. Good news. I have managed to get the two men to cooperate with us and guess what. They said they know nothing about any woman at the gym. They were hired to follow only you and they were supposed to get you tonight."

Christian: "What?!! Me?! Then why did they only appear at the gym and never showed up at other places? Our men have never reported their presence around me at other places. Not at the office, restaurants or around my house. Strange."

Timothy: "They said the gym is the only place where you're not guarded by our men. I guess you instructed the guys to be invisible whenever you're waiting for Winnie at the gym so they wouldn't know the guys are still around. They said a pretty woman hired them and she conveniently didn't tell them her identity. Does that ring a bell? Know any particular woman who's out to get you? Maybe ex-girlfriends?"

Christian: "You know I don't do relationships. Hm... Could it be her?"

Timothy: "Her? Any name? I'll get Anthony to check up on her ASAP."

Christian: "Lily. I don't remember her last name. I only went out for dinner with her once. She did threatened to get back at me. Looks like we have to babysit those two guys for a while. I'm a little relieved that they are after me but I will maintain two guys to watch over Winnie and another two guys for Sam too."

Timothy: "So... When are you going to introduce me to Winnie? I'm curious to meet the special lady that tamed the wild Chris Morgan."

Christian: "Me wild? I'm not wild. You can meet her if you visit mom now. She's staying there for the weekend."

Timothy: "Well well well... Not wild eh? If you're not wild, how come you didn't waste any time having your girl stay at mom's. Of all places but our family home? Ha ha ha... Maybe I'll drop by. Hey... Where are you? Are you coming or not? What's taking you so long? I thought you would be here half an hour ago.

Christian: "I'm almost there."

After talking to the two men, the woman that hired them did fit my description of Lily. Quite a vindictive woman isn't she. The two men recognised her when I showed them the video of Lily taken from my office's CCTV. The video and the hired men's statement should be enough to get the local police to issue a warrant of arrest. Anthony, a genius and Tim's P. A, will arrange with our legal team to take over everything in the morning and make sure she stays long behind bars.

When I arrived back home, it's already 2 a.m. After taking a hot shower, I decided to check up on Winnie. She laid curled on her left side with her long hair sprayed on the pillow. She looks so beautiful that I can't stop myself from giving her soft kisses on her cheeks and her lips. As I gently stroke Winnie's cheeks, I can't stop thinking about having a future with her. Dropping another soft peck on her forehead, I left her room and head for my bed.


Something's wrong. They are supposed to call me tonight. Maybe they didn't managed to catch him. They said Christian is always unguarded at some gym so they will try to get him there. How hard can it be to catch one man. Fuck! I don't like waiting because it bores me to death. Uh... Where did he go?

Stubbing out my cigarette and adjusting my cleavage, I made way to this gorgeous man sitting alone on the bar stool. Sending out my meanest look to a girl who's about to approach my man, I sat on the high stool next to him. "Hi... Mind if I sit next to you?" He gave me a long look and nodded. Oh wow. Up close he has gorgeous grey eyes, a very handsome face and expensive clothes. Mm... Delectable. Exactly my kind of guy. I hope to get lucky tonight.

"My name is Lily. What's yours?" He just stared at me for a while and said, "I'm Adrian." Flipping my hair a bit and giving out my most seductive smile. "Well Adrian. My sister suddenly can't come so now I'm alone. If you don't mind, can we uh... chat and drink together?" He looked down at his hands, shook his head a bit and gave a low chuckle. "Why not? Yeah why not. Bartender. A drink for the lady here." "The usual Rico." He kept giving me this sharp look. Maybe he's extra lonely. I hope so. I haven't fuck with a hot guy like him before. Mm yeah... I like the size of his bulge on his crotch and it's making me restless. "So Adrian. You live in this city or just passing through?" "I just moved to this city." "Oh... Alone or... with the wife and kids?" He took a sip of his drink and said, "Alone." Yes! He is not much of a talker but who cares. "Well now. If you're not doing anything later," and I slid my hand on his thigh, "maybe I can show you around the city and maybe drop by my place." He chuckled again and took out some money from his slacks. Standing up, he paid the bartender for our drinks and gave me that sharp look again. "Thanks for the offer Lily but not interested." He turned and left. What the hell! Nobody does that to me! Nobody!

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