Chapter 6

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          Yes! She has to stay overnight again. "Sam. You can't stay in the water for too long and D.O needs to rest too. Come on and take a hot shower. Maybe we'll go see a movie later." Sam initially had a look of disappointment on his face but it was swiftly replaced with a look decisiveness. Hm.....what is he up to. "Coming! Thanks D.O. I hope you won't forget about tomorrow morning." Grabbing a towel, Sam ran out and D.O shook his head. "That kid reminds me of my brother. Smart kid. I'll be in my quarters if you need me Sir." Approaching D.O, "Thanks for helping Sam, D.O." "It's my pleasure Miss Winnie." He nodded and went out through another door.

          "Well now. Do you want to join me for a stroll around my mom's garden?" "Chris I'm sorry but I really need to go back home." There's a look of genuine worry on her face. "May I ask why?" "It's kind of embarrassing for me to tell you." "Why?" "Why? It's's a girl thing." Hmm.....could it be..... "Tell me. I promise I won't laugh or tell anyone." "Maybe my monthly thing...may come today." Bingo! "You don't need to be embarrassed about that. My mom was a gynaecologist. She insisted us three brothers to know the details about the whole thing years ago." "That's um... unusual." "That's what I thought too but my mom said it's for our own good too. Don't worry. I'll get the maids to prepare everything that you may need." She's blushing again. So beautiful.

          I slid my right hand into her left hand and said, "Come on. My mom's garden can't wait to see you." Why is there some sort of tingling feeling on my fingers when I first touched her fingers. It went up my arm. Weird. I didn't look at her because I knew I'm being bossy or overpowering or whatever people calls this. I just don't ever want to let her go. Again. I know I have this happy face right now and I want her to see it so she won't get scared of me.


          Is he doing this for the sake being ex schoolmates or because of me? No. I don't believe it's for me. I'm a nobody. He's just being friendly. Yes that's it. Everything will go back to the way it was before when Sam and I go back to the flower shop. I can't thank Chloe enough for letting me stay there. I tried to pull away my hand from him but he tightened his hold on mine. I had never held a grown man's hand before. Chris' hand is warm and big. I sort of felt electric current run up my arm when he first touched my fingers. What is that? I never felt it with Steven before or is it with certain men only? I'm 24 years old and I still know nothing about men. I'm hopeless.

          We stopped near a small pond. There is a small and cute concrete bridge across the pond, some pink water lilies and the surrounding trees are so beautiful. Chris wasn't kidding when he said that his mom's garden is beautiful. There's so many kinds of flowers here. There were two benches and Chris lead me to sit on one of it. I can't believe such a beautiful place exists in this city. It's so quiet here. "Yes it is." Did I said that out loud again?

          Chris chuckling, "And yes you did say it out loud again. My grandfather bought this big piece of land long time ago. That's why there aren't any nearby houses or roads. Don't worry about security. The estate is surrounded by high concrete fences and equipped with hi tech surveillance cameras. I remember me and my brothers used to remind dad about installing machine guns all around the fences to protect us from zombie attacks."

          He doesn't seem to be gloating about how wealthy his family is but he sounds like he's reassuring me that it's safe to be here. Yes I do feel safe here even if it is in the middle of the night. Even if I'm alone with Chris. He doesn't scare me because I feel safe with him. I can't describe what is this feeling in my chest. It's all warm and fuzzy. Or is it because of my coming period that I'm being so emotional. Mentally hitting my head, I even cried in his mom's arms last night!

          "Hellooo....." "Oh sorry. I zoned out just now." "Winnie. Everything is going to be fine. It's okay to ask for help especially when someone is there for you. Everyone has a limit as to what they can do." I can? Everyone has a limit? Hm..... I never think things that way before. Facing Chris, "Why would you help me?" Chris looked into my eyes, smiled and said, "Because you are Winnie and I want to."

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