Chapter 10

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          "Well well well. I can't believe I would see the day when The Great Christian Morgan displays his affection in front of the public," and Adrian finished his words by clapping his hands. "I'm sure this will be all over the headlines in a few hours." There was a buzz amongst the people in the café. Some women who were ogling Adrian earlier seems to be giddy with excitement when they heard the identity of the handsome man sitting beside me. He's famous? Chris seems to be unfazed with all the attention he's getting.

          Betsy came running out again and I noticed her eyes zoomed in on Chris' right hand that's holding my left hand. "You're Mr Morgan, right? I can't believe this. It's a wonderful surprise to have you here in my cafe." Handing a menu to Chris, "What will you have Mr Morgan?" "Whatever Winnie had will do. Thanks." Running her eyes on his person, Betsy giggled and hurried back to the kitchen. Not before she gave me a quick 'I will be coming for you soon' look. I took the time to look at Chris properly. He cut his hair and I have never seen him in a suit before. I don't know much about men's suits but I'm sure he's wearing a very expensive one. He's wearing a dark blue one that shines a little like satin. Everything that he's wearing right now looks very expensive. The image of a super rich and powerful person.

          "Who are those two guys in black suits?" He kept his gaze on his long fingers which were tapping softly on the table as he took his time answering me. It seems he was thinking about something. Smiling at me, "Oh them? They're my bodyguards." Turning his attention towards Adrian, his gaze suddenly turned cold. "Adrian. I believe I haven't received your latest forecast and also your budget proposal for the new financial year." Adrian chuckled. "Chris. I wouldn't be here if I haven't finished doing all your requirements. I already gave them to your P.A. Should be on your desk. So.....Where we were?" Right at that moment, Betsy came out again with Chris' orders. The cheesecake is triple in size than ours causing Chris to slowly look up at me. "You ate this much?" I shooked my head as I chuckled at the incredulous expression on Chris' face. "No I didn't. I think Betsy happens to like you more than Adrian."

          Adrian turned his head away and chuckled. Turning back again with a serious expression, "Now you have to finish eating all of that or otherwise Betsy will make a scene." Chris scrunged his brows seemingly processing what Adrian just said. Chris took a small piece of the cheesecake with a spoon and ate it. "Mm.....this cake tastes good." Scooping another piece, he directed the cake to my mouth. I don't know why but I opened my mouth and he fed me. When I belatedly realized what I just did, I blushed. With all the attention we're getting, I knew my face turned into that record breaking shade of red again. I felt his finger stroking my left cheek and Chris said, "Beautiful."

          "I agree....I had never thought that a blushing woman can be so beautiful. You have any sister, Winnie?" "None," Chris said and scooped another small piece of cake. He was about to feed me again when Adrian pulled Chris' hand and put the spoon inside his mouth. "Mm....I just had to try this newly acquired feeding skill of yours Chris, and I've got to's delicious," waggling his brows. What is Adrian trying to do? Chris put down the spoon and took a sip of his coffee. Adrian kept watching Chris. Turning towards me, Chris said in a gentle tone, "Winnie. Is everything alright at the flower shop?" "Yes." "Mom misses Sam." "She does?" "Yes. She would love to have Sam stay over this weekend? What do you think?" "I... I don't want to impose." "Please." Oh no. How can I refuse those beautiful blue eyes of his. "Okay." Squeezing my hand lightly, he smiled towards Adrian.

          "Let me get this straight. Aunt Kathy knows Winnie too? Who's Sam?" Is he related to Chris? "Yes I know Kathy. Sam is my younger brother." Adrian stared at me deep in thought and bowed his head smiling. "Interesting." Looking at Chris with a sharp gaze, "Chris. I know you very well and your complete disregard for the attention you are getting right now tells me you wanted to show everyone how special Winnie is to you. This...isn't over yet." Winking his right eye at Chris, "Winnie. You're so sweet and refreshing. I hope we can chat again some other time. It's hard to find a wonderful person to chat with nowadays. Thank you for coming. Too bad we had cut it short. Enjoy the cake. Chris.....don't forget to pay up." Winking again at him, Adrian stood up.

          Seeing Adrian standing up, Betsy came up to him. "Ah Betsy. That cheesecake is absolutely delicious. Did you bake it?" Nodding her head and smiling, "Yes" "Collins. A lovely day to you Betsy. Bye." Adrian's wink at Betsy almost made her fall on the floor. "Oh my.....," she said while attempting to fan her face with her hand. I can't blame her. Adrian is a very good looking man. I guess I was staring at Adrian's retreating back too long because my sixth sense was telling me that someone next to me is getting very annoyed.


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