Chapter 33 - So You Think You Can Love Me And Leave Me To Die?

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A/N: Y'all are gonna be pissed at me by the end of this chapter I CAN FEEL IT

"So, what's the plan?" Roger sat back down in his chair. He and Brian made quick amends. I'm glad they did. We had to get to work fast.

I tapped my fingers on the table, "We have to stop Freddie, first. Then we can deduce what happened with him. I-I don't want to believe he's doing this on his own will, but we need to find out for sure."

"What else do you think it is?" Brian clicked his pen.

That I didn't know. I bit my lip in silence. Then, it hit me. I was such a fool! How did I not realize this sooner?

"Mary... the last time I saw him, he was with her!"

Roger narrowed his eyes. Crossing his arms, he scoffed, "And you didn't bother telling us that?! Of course she had something to do with this sh*t now that you say it!"

What happened to him being all sweet? Sh*t, such mood swings. Brian interjected before Roger could get anymore upset with me. Damn, I've just been upsetting everyone, "Do you think Mary may have captured him?"

That... makes sense, "All this time I thought he left me to follow her, but now that you say that maybe he was forced to go with her," I frowned. Freddie could have been suffering, and then I was here loathing him for no reason. I didn't bother to go back up to help him, and I just left him alone in my rage, "He could have disappeared because of me. And whatever Mary's done to him, that's my fault."

"We don't know that for sure," Brian attempted to console me.

Well, that didn't work! If not that, then Freddie's just a sh*tty person all of a sudden? I want to defend Freddie, but he did those things. No matter how hard I try to pin the blame on Mary or whoever, Freddie still caused the attacks. Freddie is still the assassin.

"So what do we f*cking know?!" Roger snapped, "Nothing? Hm?"

"We know nothing, Roger!" I growled, my heart aching more. It's all so stressful, and I don't know what to do! And here's Roger whining in the corner while we're trying to figure this out! "I'm trying, Rog, I really am. But we know nothing, and if you keep on b*tching we'll continue to know nothing!"

"Yeah? And sitting here theorizing about nothing will help with that too?" Roger argued. Now Brian was trying to calm Roger down, but I think the two of us were both too pissed to care.

"If you think you can solve this on your own stand up, walk out that f*cking door, and find him yourself. Go ahead and leave!" I gestured to the shut door. I didn't want to admit I was beyond my breaking point, but maybe my shaking hands signaled it enough.

"John..." Brian held out his hand with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

I kept my eyes on the blonde. He was silent. Ran out of things to argue about? A miracle. I scoffed, "Well?"

"I'm sorry..." he apologized, not able to remain eye contact.

"Don't apologize," I dictated sternly. The tears began to return from my eyes, "Just please... don't do that. I'm stressed about this sh*t enough, and to be honest you aren't helping a bit. I want to fix this. I really do. So please, can we stop arguing? And can you please listen to me?"

Roger nodded, and so did Brian. I sighed, thankful that we can finally cooperate. I tried to understand how hard it must be for them as well. They knew Freddie for three years, and it must be hard for them to process this whole charade as well. I know how close Freddie and Roger are, so I should understand Roger's feelings regarding that matter. It isn't fun.

Brian suggested, "Let's start this whole thing over, shall we? You think that Mary may have something to do with this whole Freddie being on the other side thing, right?"

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