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Richie's POV

We were biking over to Ben's place. I had both mine and Eddie's bags strapped to my bike since I had a basket. The sun was setting, giving off a warm honey glow to our surroundings.

And also making Eddie's freckles glow like stars. I biked over a curb because I was so distracted by nature's beauty on my beauty. Well not my beauty, that's weird Richie. And gross, repulsive even. I shouldn't think about my friends like that, especially my guy friends.

"Don't touch the other boys Richie," The phrase still haunts me. How did Pennywise know? Did everyone know? Was I really that obvious?

What if Eddie knew...and that's why he's always so pissed at me.

Everyone stopped on their bikes so I did too, ripping myself from my thoughts. We had stopped in front of a yellow house with a half assed garden out front and garage that looked like only held half a door.

"My dad's still trying to fix that," Ben said sheepishly, his cheeks were slightly tinted pink.

I shrugged and parked my bike in the garage. The rest of the losers followed suit and I dismounted my bike.

"Here are ye bags, Eddie Spaghetti," I grinned, handing Eddie's bag over to him. His brows were furrowed together and he was biting his lip.

The combination was fucking cute let me tell you.

Eddie huffed and grabbed his bag, "thanks asshole."

I smiled at him brightly as a 'you're welcome.'

"You guys can just follow me to the basement," Ben said and walked through a door connected to the garage.

I walked behind Eddie, making sure he didn't fall behind. The kid got so caught up stressing about one thing or another and would often get lost.

"Let's keep it moving Eds," I said quietly in his ear as he stopped to look up at a moldy ceiling.

I noticed the faint blush of embarrassment creep onto his face as he shoved me away from him and stomped to catch up with everyone else.

I chuckled lightly to myself and followed him as the crew made it's way down some creaky wooden steps.

I was expecting Ben's basement to be like the rest of his house - old and falling apart - but it was actually nice. There was carpet and two big black couches focused around a box tv.

"Nice Casa," I smirked.

"Yeah," Bev agreed and Ben immediately turned red.

Eddie made his way over to a couch and set his stuff down next to it.

"I already called that spot," I said. Eddie snapped his head over.

"You can't call a couch, we all are going to have to share," Eddie said plainly.

"As flattered as I am that you want to sleep with me-"

"I-wha-" Eddie stuttered.

"-I don't think your fat ass could share with anyone, so I will take the couch and you can take the floor," I smirked.

Eddie was glaring hard, I was preparing myself for him to go off. His hair to get all messy from him jumping around, his face to go red, his eyes to gleam with passion. Him to get so close to me, even if he was yelling at me.

"Hey dipshits," Stan called stopping Eddie from bursting, "stop having a bitch fight so we can figure out what food we want."


I'm in the worst position writing this.

I also realized that some may not believe that Richie would give up smoking for a crush but let me tell you, gay crushes are fucking powerful. Or maybe it's just a girl thing.

Juicy stuff will come I promise

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