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Kinda TMI chapter, it was awkward and gross to write with my innocent hands.

3rd Person POV

Richie walked downstairs to the kitchen, Eddie was still up in the hallway trying to not make them look too suspicious. Not that Richie's flushed cheeks and wrinkled clothing was going to help. Or the fact that he was semi hard and you could tell.

"Fuck Rich, what happened to you?" Mike had already been judged and was sitting at the counter talking to Beverly and Ben, who both had been judged as well.

Richie just shrugged, he didn't know how to explain himself. He wasn't thinking straight in even the slightest way.

Mike nudged Bev to look at Richie and she gaped.

"Okay but...where's Eddie then?" she whispered to him. Mike shrugged.

Eddie was still up in the hallway trying not to freak out. He picked the wrong day to wear short shorts.

"Where the fuck are Stan and Bill?" Richie sounded grumpy but he was just frustrated.

Mike gave Bev a look but only said, "who knows," to Richie. Which just made Richie even more frustrated.

Finally, Eddie came down the stairs, but he only peaked his head out from behind the wall.

"Richie!" he called, "can I, uh, talk to you quick?"

Both Bev and Mike noticed Eddie's red cheeks from where they were sitting. Ben was too busy admiring Bev's red hair to notice.

Richie scrambled over to Eddie. They maneuvered so that their friends couldn't see them.

Richie took in Eddie's appearance, "um...what's up?"

Eddie smacked Richie's arm.

"Well what do you want me to do?" Richie asked.

Eddie was glaring at him, trying to focus on anger and annoyance, but he always found Richie annoying.

Finally Eddie said, "give me your hoodie."

Richie raised a brow and slowly took off his zip up.

Huffing, Eddie ripped the clothing from his hands and tied it around his own waist.

"Fucking douchebag," Eddie muttered and walked away. Richie tried his hardest not to watch him walk away with Richie's hoodie on him.

"Shit," Richie cursed then walked back to the kitchen where Bev and Mike were gaping at Eddie, who was blushing badly.

As Richie entered they snapped their attention to him.

"Um Eddie," Bev said quietly, Mike looked at her with wide eyes. He wasn't sure what she was going to say next. Ben was fucking clueless. "Do you know that you, um, you have..."

Richie knew what she was going to say, Eddie did too, and he was mortified. But Richie came to the rescue and stood in front of Eddie so that Bev could only see him.

"You have the cutest face!" Richie finished with his usual and expected teasing for Eddie.

Eddie was so grateful he also kissed Richie right there.

However, Bev was frustrated now. She didn't understand why her friends were hiding from her.

"Richie? Can I talk to you privately?"

Richie looked at her and then behind at Eddie. "Um...whatever you have to say you can say it to all of us."

Bev huffed, she knew she couldn't just out the two of them to everyone if they weren't ready yet, but she also wanted them to stop lying.

"Ok fine," she said, "Richie, why does it look like you just made out with someone?"

Richie paled, "I was...practicing how to make out...."

Bev's eyebrow raised, "practicing?"


Richie knew what it looked like, knew what his friends were seeing between him and Eddie right then. However, he didn't know if Bev was frustrated because she wasn't accepting or because she hated them lying.

"How? It's not like you can shove your tongue in your own mouth."

Richie gulped.

"It was me!" Eddie broke in finally.

Bev was shocked by his honestly. So was Mike. And Richie. Ben was just lost by the whole conversation.

"You guys were making out with each other?" Bev tried to confirm.

The couple looked at each other nervously.


"Yes!" Mike exclaimed to all of their surprise. "The truth is out! Now if Bill and Stan could just-"

"Bill and Stan?" Eddie questioned.

"I'm so fucking lost," Ben muttered and Bev patted his head while smiling. Which was enough to make the kid melt.

Eddie leaned forward to whisper in Richie's ear, "great job fuck nut, give me a boner and we all find out. Where's yours? I'm fucking hot and sexy!"

Richie burst out laughing and turned to face Eddie so that he could wrap him up in his arms.

"You're fucking amazing," he was smiling so brightly and he leaned down to kiss the tip of his nose. Which Eddie would usually complain about but didn't.

When Richie turned back around his friends were smiling at him widely.

"You guys are adorable," Ben said smiling and remembering seeing their cheek kiss in Richie's bedroom.

Bev and Mike nodded in agreement. Eddie was blushing still and Richie was smiling happily. Then he dropped to the most serious face he could muster.

"So you said Bill and Stan are together?"

Mike nodded.

Richie grinned wickedly, "let's prank the shit out of them."



awkward...I am so sorry

This story doesn't have much longer to go...well actually...I'm not sure

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