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3rd Person POV

Bill was leaning over the fence not too far away from the barrens. He couldn't stop thinking about Stan's face after he jumped for joy, and he hated himself for it. He had just proved to himself that he was straight, but it didn't feel as fulfilling as he had hoped.

The last person he wanted to see while he was fighting in his head, was Stan. But there he was. Tapping the back of Bill's shoulder and staring at his feet, some of his curls blowing in the light breeze.

Bill looked back at him, frowning at the sight. Stan looked so upset, hell, Stan was upset. But Stan knew that he had to do this, he had to be brave.

"Stan?" Bill questioned.

"Shut up Bill," Stan gulped.

Then he pulled at Bill's shirt collar and pulled him to his lips. But they didn't touch, he held Bill there for a moment. And it wasn't that Stan was stronger than Bill, he had caught Bill off guard. Plus Bill was weak being that close to Stan's lips.

Bill was struggling to push down all of his gay thoughts and intentions.

Stan noticed the conflict in Bill's eyes.

"You can't hide yourself forever," Stan whispered. Then he leaned towards Bill and finally connected their lips.

Bill was shocked at Stan's boldness, but he knew that this is what he had been craving. What he had been trying to push down.

But hell, Bill was fucking scared. There he was, kissing Stan, in broad daylight. Imagine if someone had seen.

So Bill pushed Stan off of him.

"I can't do this Stan," he said softly. He started walking away, back home, where he could hide away in his bedroom.

But Stan was going to take this lying down. He had had it with Bill's whiny 'poor me I'm gay' act. Stan was gay too. And he was fucking scared too. But Stan had thought that everything would be fine so long as they were together. But then Bill decided to be a wuss and hurt Stan in the process.

Stan was glaring at the back of Bill. "I'll be over later!" he called.


short chapter I know. But I thought it made sense. Plus this is the third chapter I've written tonight so go ahead and try to sue me. Just know that if you comment anything hateful I will be reading it out loud in a mocking and high pitch tone.

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