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3rd Person POV

"You really think this is a good idea?" Ben asked in a hushed voice.

"Of course new kid," Bev smirked at him.

He turned red a bit, "I-I'm not new anymore, I've been here for--"

"Shh, here c-c-comes Eddie" Bill whispered back at Ben and Bev.

Eddie was skipping his way down to the barrens. Gleeful for no apparent reason for the watching losers.

"Hey guys!" Eddie chirped.

The losers shuffled their way towards Eddie, moving as a mass rather than as individuals. Eddie noticed the movement and felt unsettled.

"...What's up with you guys?" He asked slowly.

The group realized their actions.

"Oh," Mike said, "sorry, we were just....choreographing a f-flash mob dance?"

Eddie nodded suspiciously, "that's new."

Bill laughed nervously, "eh w-we were j-just b-b-bored." His stutter was trying to reveal the deceit.

But Eddie just shrugged, "When's Richie supposed to get here?"

Bev smirked, "wouldn't you like to know..."

"Hmm?" Eddie cocked his head.

The rest of the losers looked wearily at each other, waiting for what Bev was going to say next.

But Bev just stared at Eddie, she was stalling.

Then Mike cut in, "are you and Richie...together?"

Eddie's jaw went slack, "Wh-What?" he croaked out, his voice hiding because of the shock.

Bev groaned, "Fucking Big Bill was right," she muttered and kicked the ground dejectedly.

Eddie's head was spinning. Had they seen them? He thought. He felt paranoid, all he wanted was for Richie to get in there fucking fast and change the subject. Richie was good at that.

"To get this c-clear," said Bill, "you and R-Richie aren't gay?"

Eddie shook his head slowly and Bill whooped the air.

"I f-f-fucking told you!" He exclaimed, his face was lit up. Bill had hope again, he felt confident that he wasn't different. He was this abnormal thing his parents will hate. Bill was straight. Bill didn't have romantic feelings for Stan. He felt assured again.

But Stan fucking didn't feel assured. His heart had dropped as he watched Bill celebrate. He wanted Bill to forget about everything his parents wanted him to be, to stop hating himself for something he can't control. Stan was more upset with his friends internalized homophobia than anything.

Bill looked back at Stan, an odd look passed on his face. Stan hope more than anything that it was some kind of wanting. But then Bill was looking away again and Stan's heart dropped once more.

"What'd I miss fuckers?" Richie greeted, he was confused at the odd air around his friends. Eddie looked like he was going to piss himself, Stan looked sad, Bill looked the opposite, Bev was disappointed, Ben was gushing at Bev, and Mike just looked confused.

"We were just asking Eddie if you guys were dating," Bev supplied the answer for Riche.

Eddie's face colored again.

Richie glanced at Eddie, then back at Beverly. "Well I wasn't aware if we were."

Bill's smile grew, "S-see!" he was waving his hands at the whole group, "just because you kiss someone's cheek does not mean you are dating them. Or gay!"

Richie and Eddie were confused.

Bill walked over to stand in front of Stan, "I am not gay!" he assured then he marched off.

"Did Bill just fucking leave?" Richie asked.

Stan nodded solemnly. He knew that Bill had only been at that little confrontation to try to prove to himself that he was still straight.

"You gonna run after him Stan?" Mike asked. None of the losers really knew how observant he was, he had seen the tension between Stan and Bill. He knew there was something there even before Bill started being terrified that he was not straight.

Stan was looking at his feet, trying to decide if his stupid crush was worth running after. He knew he was just going to get denied again. But not if he actually fought for it.

Maybe if I just ran to him and kissed him, he thought, I could remind him-no-prove to him that it didn't matter if liking each other was scary, because it felt so right.

"Okay," Stan decided, "I will." Then he ran off.


Gonna get these two idiots together too...my work it cut out for me


it's Friday and I have no plans so naturally I'm providing fanfiction for y'all

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