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Eddie's POV

Richie was getting on my nerves, more than usual. I was sitting, trying to enjoy Bill's attempt at charades, but Richie kept trying to distract me. He would lean over and blow into my ear randomly or try and stick a pretzel stick down my earlobe. Both of which resulted in me smacking him.

"Oh yes, I'm gonna make you look so pretty," Richie said suddenly and crawled so that he was kneeling behind me. All of a sudden hands were in my hair and I whipped around to look at Richie, glaring.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Richie smiled, almost as if he enjoyed making me mad, "just doing your hair Eddiebear," he winked.

"Whatever," I muttered and turned back around.

"Wait," Richie paused, "are you actually letting me touch your hair?" he sounded so shocked.

I was still facing away from him so I shrugged, "well you're not going to stop trying to piss me off, so go ahead."

I expected Richie to make some dumbass joke, but it never came. Instead I felt his hands gently touch the top of my head. Over the past few years I had let my hair grow out longer, so that it didn't stick so tightly to my head. Now the tips curled over my ears a bit, not as chaotically as Richie's though.

But there still wasn't much that Richie could do with my hair. But I sat there patiently, trying to watch as Bill starting to act out what looked like a scene from a cheesy rom-com and Stan kept shouting out different Bird names.

However, I Richie was still distracting me. He kept coming through my hair, trying to gather enough to do something. I shivered when his fingers brushed against my ears and dragged up.

"Your hands are fucking cold," I complained. I felt stupid, sitting there while Richie basically pet me. I was actually his bitch. Great.

"Sorry," Richie said softly and tried to gather more hair, "Hey Bev," he said suddenly.

I tried to turn and look at her but Richie held my head in place.

"Hold still Eds," he scolded and I didn't protest.

"What do you want?" she asked, knowing how Richie was.

"Your scrunchie," he said.

"What for?" she asked, but then she must have turned to look because she said, "Oh wow Eddie, that's fucking cute."

I tried not to turn red, I felt embarrassed and hoped the other losers wouldn't turn around. They were too immersed in laughing at Bill to notice.

"Here," Bev said and I felt Richie move to catch something.

All of a sudden I could feel my hair because tied up and then Richie moved beside me again.

"How do I look?" I grinned and posed for Richie.

Richie started to laugh, "You look like Cindy Loo Hoo."

I frowned and reached up to take my hair out but Richie grabbed my hand.

"In a good way," he said smirking and let go of my hand.

I just huffed and opened up a can to drink from. I loved the way cans cracked open, the sound they made was so satisfying. I sighed as the metallic crack rang out and took a refreshing sip.

Then the can was smacked upwards and spilt all over me. I sputtered and looked for the culprit.

Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes and slack jaws.

"Okay so, th-that's m-my bad," Bill said turning red.

I raised a brow.

"I-I was t-trying to show th-that Karate K-Kid move and I-it didn't work out..."

"You think?!" I asked and then stood up, "I needa change out of this shirt, anyone got a spare?"

No one responded. I guess we had all planned to sleep in the clothes we had on and wake up and leave with the same ones.

So I huffed and looked at Richie, "give me one of your shirts," I demanded.


"Come on," I insisted, "you're wearing layers, let me have one of them."


Weird spot to end but yuh.

The next part would have put me way past wear I usually stop chapters so I wanted to save it for another one. Plus I need to stretch my writing out and kick these five chapters out fucking fast so...

I promise it will get better

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