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Eddie's POV

What was supposed to happen now?

I had told Richie I liked him and he returned the feelings too. But now we were just staring at each other, fucking smiling.

Sure Richie was nice to look at, with a smile that just so fucking goofy and great, but I had absolutely no idea what to do then.

I didn't think Richie had any idea either.

I finally had to say something, I didn't usually hold my tongue for so long.

"What now?" I asked.

Richie shrugged, which made me groan in frustration. I knew he wouldn't be able to tell me exactly what he was thinking, what he wants. Richie was too insecure for things like that, and oddly enough I wanted to make him comfortable enough to share those thoughts with me. Throughout all the years of our friendship he had never shared any honest things with me. Just smokes and mirrors. Him saying he liked me was the first time I had ever heard anything true and honest come out of his mouth.

So instead of trying to force words out of his mouth and make him uncomfortable, I pulled at his collar and kissed him.

It felt odd at first, to feel someone on my lips, but it felt so great. Sure I had kissed his cheek and shared two pecks that last for point five seconds, but this was kissing. This was something I had been craving without even knowing.

And as I pressed my lips to his, he didn't even hesitate to move his lips to mine. Maybe he had been thinking the exact same thing as me.

I pulled away, we had been kissing for more than ten seconds and it was so fucking amazing.

"Wow," Richie sounded breathless, he was smiling too, and I'm sure the red that was covering his cheeks to brightly also covered mine.

"Wanna go out biking?" I asked suddenly. Sure I wanted to continue to kiss him but I didn't know if I could. I was feeling so many emotions right then and kissing was just enhancing them. Plus my mom was in my living room, it was very unlikely she would be moving any time soon, but it still made me anxious.

I also needed some air, my whole body was on fire. And Richie was still holding me, he had grabbed my waist and pulled me to him when we were kissing. I had had my hands fisted in his hair, but they had already dropped to my sides.

Richie nodded, "okay," then he leaned forward and kissed just the tip of my nose before finally releasing me.

I stood still for a second, trying to calm my beating heart. Richie wasn't supposed to be that fucking cute, he wasn't to do stuff like that. My heart couldn't handle stuff like that. Richie was already walking out of my bedroom door and I followed numbly.

"I'm going for a ride with Richie, Mommy," I called to my mom on the way out the door, earning a light laugh from Richie. I was more embarrassed by my relationship with my mom now than I had ever been.

When I got outside Richie had already mounted my bike, I laughed at the disproportionate size.

Richie was laughing too.

"The last time I rode a bike was that summer I think," he said.

I agreed.

"Too many bad memories."

Despite the fact that both of us were far to big to be riding these prepubescent bikes, we shared a ride.

I insisted that Richie be the one to ride on the pegs in back and he complied. Which was another shock for me. Richie didn't like to feel weak, not that I did either, but he couldn't cope as well.

"Hold on tight," I said gleefully and kicked up the kickstand.

Richie's arms snaked around my waist, "never letting go of you now," he said using one of his voices.

And it felt like nothing had changed. Like the fact that we had just kissed in my bedroom hadn't changed anything about our dynamics. We were still comfortable around each other. We could still laugh and tease and function as we had been as friends.

Which made me realize how long I had been ignoring my feelings for Richie, and how long he had had them for me.


Got kinda confusing at the end so sorry boos.

I'm going to bed now cause I have school tomorrow :(

Sorry I've been absent and not writing as much, I've been so anxious that I just couldn't even use that to my advantage anymore. My mind froze up and could only think about fucking school and it was hell guys. But I managed to pull myself together to write this chapter but it's still kinda odd so my bad.

Love ya

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