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Eddie's POV

Surprisingly, we never stopped hanging out in the barrens. Despite it being a commonplace for Pennywise to show up, in this case we wanted to create new and better memories. Plus, it was such a fundamental part of our friendship and we couldn't just forget about it.

So there we were, splashing around in the barrens despite being 16 or 17 years old. Both Stan and Bill had disappeared, but Richie had miraculously broken the tension. As usual.

"Splishy Splashy Eddie," Richie called and splashed me so hard I was drenched. Which was an impressive feat since the Barrens were not very deep waters.

Nevertheless, I was annoyed.

"Beep beep Richie," I yelled back and splashed him too. Only, my splash wasn't as big as his and only his shirt got wet.

But he started to laugh at my aggressiveness and tripped over a rock then fell. Which then made him as drenched as me.

I expected him to look like a mess, all soaked with some mud splattered on him. But fuck, he was gorgeous.

His curly hair was sticking to his skin and when wet, his hair became longer and compromised his eye sight. Which only made him wipe his brow with the back of his hand. I tried not to look to much in awe as I watched water drip off of his chin. God, I was fucking horny. I really needed to control myself.

It's just Richie, I tried to assure myself, just your pal Richie...who just licked chocolate off of you face and--no, I need to stop.

"Am I too beautiful for you Eds?" Richie asked while striking several different hideous poses.

I laughed, I used to hate how much he could make me laugh with his dumb jokes. I then realized that it was just me being frustrated and awestruck.

"Shut up dickbag," I pushed his shoulder lightly. Fuck, Was I flirting with him?

I couldn't do that, I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready to be so open about something I had just figured out.

I looked back at the other losers. Bev was playfully splashing Ben and he was trying not to trip over his own feet. Mike looked bored.

I shoved Richie over so his fell on his ass again.

"Hey!" Richie whined.

I ignored him, focusing on Mike as a distraction and bouncing up to him. Mike wasn't a distraction, I genuinely wanted to talk to him, but Richie was being so...well just too much for me, so I was going to distract myself.

"Hey Mikey!" I greeted, "Whatcha thinking?"

Mike looked at me, his face honestly looked disappointed.

"Nothing," he muttered and sighed, "it's just that...I'm going to be the only single one in our friend group."


But Mike had already walked away.

I stared at him, putting pieces together in my head, and then someone jumped at me and I fell into the water.


"You really shouldn't have pushed me Spaghetti man!" Richie said, he was sitting on top of me and my back got soaked in the water.

"That fucking hurt dickwad, you're a-" I broke out into giggles as he started tickling my sides.

"Not so angry now huh?" Richie asked as he cupped water from the stream onto my face.

I gurgled the water and pushed him off of me. Fuck. Why did I have to like him?

Or better yet, why did he have to be so hot and amazing? He really had to be funny and smart and cute and caring but also fucking annoying?

"Fuck you," I said gasping for breath, but I wasn't having as asthma attack.

Richie just grinned then stood and helped me up.

"You look cute all dirty," he said softly and wiped my face with his thumbs to clear it a bit.

I couldn't stop from smiling, he really made me melt. And I didn't even care that I was covered in mud.

However, I did care about Mike.

"Hey Rich?"


I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"I'm pretty sure that Mike knows everything."

Richie looked confused.

"I think he knows that we are...you know..." but I couldn't even think of what me and Richie were, but that was a discussion for another time. So I finished with, "hanging out..."

"Oh," Richie said, "shit."


Oof. A fourth chapter? And its over my usual length. Who if she???

Just some Eddie perspective.

I swear he's not that shallow, I mean he obviously thinks Richie is hot but he also likes his other attributes too.

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