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3rd Person POV

Bill and Stan were supposed to be waiting for the judge, Jimbo Johnson, to call them in. However, Bill had just accepted his attraction for Stan and he wanted to explore it further. Meaning, the two were hiding out in the upstairs bathroom. Bill was pressing Stan up against the wall and kissing him like his life depended on it.

"Fuck," Bill breathed out, "why does this feel so good..."

Stan smiled and connected their lips again.

A pounding at the door interrupted them and Bill pulled away to look at the door. But he kept one hand on Stan's cheek and the other on his waist, he was still pressing as much of himself against Stan as he could.

"Anyone in there?!"

"I'm pretty sure it's empty dickwad."

"I'm just making sure."

"You're wasting time! You're supposed to be judging Stan's dish in five minutes!"

"That eager to kiss me huh? Besides, Stan is MIA right now."

Bill snorted at looked to Stan before leaning in and kissing his jaw. But Stan pushed him away lightly.

"I think that's Richie and Eddie," he whispered.

"What?!" Bill's shock caused him to speak loud enough that the couple standing outside of the door heard him.

"I said, is anyone in there!" Richie shouted again.

"What do we do?" Stan asked quietly.

Bill shrugged and simply said, "occupied!"


Eddie pulled Richie away from the bathroom door.

"Looks like we gotta go make out somewhere else," Richie teased.

"Is it even worth it anymore?"

Richie stopped walking and looked at Eddie with full offense.

"I didn't-" Eddie stopped talking when Richie started walking towards Eddie so that he was backed into the side table in the hallway.

Richie smashed his lips into Eddies harshly and Eddie whimpered. He put his hands on Eddie's waist and then under his ass so that he could hoist Eddie onto his own hips. They continued to kiss through all of this, and then Richie started to move his lips down Eddie's neck.

"This isn't worth it?" Richie asked breathlessly while smirking. He tried to kiss Eddie's lips again but Eddie leaned away.

"We need to stop," Eddie was also out of breath but he was looking at Richie with earnest eyes.

Richie felt it too. He nodded and let Eddie out of his arms.

They both felt awkward, tapping their fingers and looking at the floor.

Richie cleared his throat, "I should, um, go judge Stan's dish..."

"Right!" Eddie agreed overenthusiastically.


"Did you hear that?!" Stan whispered.

Bill and him had their ears pressed up against the door to the bathroom. They listened to Richie and Eddie kiss with shocked faces, and even more shocked faces for when they stopped.

"Holy shit!" Bill exclaimed, "those two are together!"


I don't....I don't even know...

This was weird to write I am so sorryyyy

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