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Eddie's POV

"Richie," I warned lowly.

The mischievous grin remained on his face.

"Come on Eds."

"Richie!" I exclaimed as he wiped the frosting off his finger and on my cheek. We were currently cleaning up the mess in the kitchen (Richie volunteered us) and Richie was pretending everything was a joke.

As I saw Richie grin wider I quickly wiped my cheek off, preventing whatever he was planning. By now, based off of previous experiences, I knew he would have wiped his slimy tongue all over my face.

I like to use negative adjectives cause it leaves no room for me to think of other...things.

Richie was pouting by my actions and grabbed my wrists to hold my hands to his face.

"Why can't I kiss you?"

My face grew hot. "Because we are supposed to be watching Mike flirt with Bill." Lame ass excuse but I knew if I started kissing him I wouldn't be able to stop.

Richie released my wrists and instead grabbed my hips to pull me flush against his body.

"Mike sucks at flirting and I only suggested it to make you laugh," he admitted, "but it's really not entertaining at all."

I did laugh at that, "wow, you were wrong, how impossible." I was smiling at him now, looking up into his dark eyes.

"I know right?" he joked.

Richie leaned forward but I stopped him before he made it to my lips, my heart was beating fast, too fast. He frowned.

"Just wait," my voice was quiet, "I can come over to your house after this."

Richie smirked, "Oo-la-la."

"Or maybe I will be too tired," I muttered.

But he was still smiling, he knew I couldn't resist him, and I hated that.

"Okay," he just said quietly, then he slumped forward a bit to burry his nose in the crevice between my neck and shoulder. It tickled when he let air out from his nose. I wrapped my arms around his midsection and rested my chin on his shoulder. All could do was smile as we stood in each others embrace.

There was a call from the living room. "Hey losers!"


"Hurry y-your asses up so w-we c-can start -- OH MY GOD MIKE I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!"


Short ass chapter with a cliffhanger.

If you can't tell, I'm reading a mushy gushy story. It's pretty good despite the fact that it features heterosexual romance. Gag, I feel like the author should have just made the story normal and written a homosexual story. Who the fuck even likes heterosexual romances? Heterosexuals??? Yeah, like those still exist.

Lmao, I kid. I'm not heterophobic guys, I just have a terrible sense of humor.

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