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3rd Person POV

"He kissed his cheek?!" Bev exclaimed.

Ben nodded feverishly. "I was just sitting, listening to music, and then I look up and Richie is holding Eddie's face in his hands. Next thing I know, Richie's leaning forward and kissing Eddie's cheek, and it didn't look friendly!"

Bev gasped.

Bill was cackling in the corner of the room, his room. Ben had called a private meeting without Richie and Eddie -- who were probably hanging out anyway. He usually wasn't the one for gossip or going behind his friends' backs but his mom still was absent and he wanted an excuse to hang out.

"I'm sorry," Bill said, "It's j-just, when you said 'he kissed his cheek' it sounded like you were talking about the same person," he laughed.

Stan rolled his eyes at him. "ah, the disadvantages of talking about gay couples."

Bill laughed again.

"Well, I don't think that's the first time they kissed." Bev interjected.

Everyone was on the edge of their seats now.

"After the party at Ben's house, Eddie told me he kissed Richie's cheek when we were all drunk." She looked wary, like the information was huge.

Bill was laughing again.

"You really think that's something?" he laughed, "So what. Th-they kissed on the ch-ch-cheek. That's nothing!" he smirked.

That's when Stan joined in his laughing.

Bev rolled her eyes, "well it's something!" she argued, "Richie and Eddie have hardly showed any interest in women, it would make sense if they both like men and i.e., each other." She was explaining this dully, with her hands wavy lazily.

"You really think they're gay?" Ben asked.

Bev shrugged.

Stan scoffed.

"I think they could be," Mike interjected. He had been silent the whole time, contemplating all of the information he was receiving, "I saw them...together."

"And?" That was Bill, raising a brow with disbelief.

"They were sharing one of those...jumbo ice cream sundaes."

Bill scoffed now, "so what? Me and S-Stan do that all the t-t-time."

Mike sighed with frustration, "It's just...the way they were looking at each other and talking and joking around...there was something there," he argued.

"Yeah, friendship." Bill had his arms crossed, a skeptical look on his face.

"Why can't you just accept that your friends might be gay?" Mike groaned, he didn't want to be mad at Bill, but he could be.

Bill huffed, "B-Because they aren't! I know my f-friends! I would know if they l-liked men!"

"How?" Stan asked quietly, "how would you know that?"

Bill turned, frustrated, but he couldn't glare at Stan.

"I mean, how do you know if anyone is gay?" Bev asked suddenly.

The losers pondered for a bit.

"It's just a vibe I think," Stan shrugged.

Bill gave him an odd look.

"I think you can only really know if the person tells you blatantly," Bev reasons.

Ben shrugged, "Unless Eddie and Richie are actually gay, I don't think I've ever met anyone gay. So I wouldn't know."

"What?" Mike asked, "it's not like gay people greet everyone with 'hi I'm gay.' Chances are, you've met someone gay and didn't know."

Bill rolled his eyes, "Gay p-p-people are more feminine. The voice, the clothes, no interest for s-sports."

Everyone rolled their eyes now.

"Fuck you dude, that's so stereotypical and homophobic," Stan's voice held more venom then usual.

Bill shut right up.

"So what if Richie and Eddie are gay and dating?" Ben asked quietly.

Bev shrugged, "Why don't we find out?"


Friendly discussions.

Some peeps getting more open minded and some little leadups to some of my plans. There may be different plotlines in the story and I may not focus on just Richie and Eddie's love story.

So long as that is ok with you peeps

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