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Richie's POV

Eddie was acting strangely. Ben was still at my house listening to music. The rest of the boys had left - Beverly didn't come because of the heat she had recently been getting on hanging around six boys and going to their houses, she claimed it didn't bother her but it clearly did. However, Ben had stayed because his parents were still gone and he didn't want to be alone.

Back to Eddie

He kept fidgeting and glancing at me over his comic book. I knew he wasn't reading the book anyway since we had just spent Thursday afternoon rereading the X-Men series. I wanted to know what was on his mind, why he was so uncomfortable. It was probably something I was doing, something that was making him uncomfortable. I wish he would just tell me instead of distracting me from a really good comic strip with Spiderman's abs plastered all over.

Finally I grumbled and kicked my feet off my desk. "What's your deal Eddie?"

"Huh?" Eddie blinked at me, his cheeks flushing.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Eddie continued to stare at me.

Ben was too tuned into his music to notice us. He just liked the presence of his friends, he doesn't need to necessarily converse with them.

"You keep staring at me, it's fucking creepy."

Eddie stayed silent for a bit before setting down his comic book.

"I have to tell you something Richie," he said softly, "about that night at Ben's."


Eddie looked conflicted and I wondered what had happened.

"We were all drunk, you more than the rest, and I decided to defend your honor by kissing your cheek-"

My eyes went wide.

"And I just keep thinking about it cause I feel bad cause like, boundaries you know? And you were drunk and I wasn't that drunk and so it feels like I was taking advantage of you and know you are going to make fun of me and tease me forever but I just had to tell you!"

I can't believe Eddie kissed me, of his own free will, and I don't even fucking remember it.

"Shit Richie, say something please," Eddie was begging, his brows scrunched up and eyes so worrisome.

I grinned, "you kissed me?" my voice was soft.

Eddie was completely red now.

I had to play off my emotions now. I looked too invested, I looked too real. It was time for a joke.

"I mean I know I'm fucking boner worthy but damn Eddie, I didn't know you were that thirsty for me." I wiggled my eyebrows and stood from my chair so that I could strut over to Eddie. Really putting on a show to play into it.

Eddie rolled his eyes, "you're a fucking ass, I can't believe I felt bad for kissing you when I was clearly not in the right state of mind."

I tried not to look wounded from his phrase but who knows if I succeeded. But then Eddie stared up at me, his eyes examining my face intensely, and it was too much for me to handle. At any other time I would have been fine, but Eddie had just confessed he had brought his sweet lips onto my cheek.

So I placed one knee on my bed, lifted his chin so that his face was angled towards my own, and lowered my head so that I was hardly an inch away from him.

"Was it a good kiss?" I questioned.

Eddie squirmed a bit, obviously struggling to hold my gaze.

"You tasted like pizza," he said softly.

I could hardly take this. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But that would have been inappropriate, and there's no way of knowing how Eddie would react.

So instead I leaned to one side of his face and kissed his cheek softly, slowly. I could at least allow myself that.

"There, now you don't have to feel bad anymore." I said softly, backing away from him all the while, "we are even now."



It took me time to think of what I wanted to happen.

The pieces will fit together, I promise.

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